The NIE card and the TIE card are the most common legal documents that are required by both EU citizens (NIE Spain) and Non-EU citizens (TIE Spain) who plan to move to Spain. In combination with other documents like the Empadronamiento and the Social Security Number, the NIE card and the TIE card are important documents that verify your legal status in Spain and should be applied for very early into your time here.

To make sure you have a clear understanding of exactly which documents you need to apply for, make sure to check out our Spain Immigration Guide. If you have read the guide already and still have some doubts as to which documents you need, please fill out our free Immigration Support Form so we can point you in the right direction.

Although the NIE card and the TIE card are required for almost all foreigners moving to Spain, the application process is notoriously painful. With a lack of coherent information online, language barriers and long waiting times. That’s why we’ve put together this highly detailed step-by-step guide to help European Union citizens apply for their NIE card and to help Non-European citizens apply for their TIE card.

In this article we have outlined all the important information that you need to know regarding the NIE for Spain as well as the TIE for Spain. We will explain in detail what they are and why you need them as well as what is required for both EU and Non-EU citizens who are moving to Spain. Take a look at our content overview to choose exactly what you want to read about, or keep reading to learn everything there is to know!

Our primary focus is to cover this information specifically for the province of Madrid, however, much of the information will also be useful as general knowledge for those living in other Spanish provinces.

Get your NIE/TIE in Madrid and other Spanish cities fast and easy with MTS Relocation & Consulting Services! A reliable and experienced company that specializes in NIE card and TIE card applications! They are offering up to 50% off for international students, so make sure to check out their services to get your free advice & a free quote!

Important: The Citylife team has collected the information below via intense research in collaboration with MTS Relocation & Consulting Services and Proyecto Océano, two very known legal & relocation companies in Spain. Please keep in mind that we are not directly related to any legal or government departments. We have tried to break down the most common situations and requirements for internationals, students and expats, coming to live in Spain. We cannot speak for everyone’s specific case nor can we speak on the specifics of every autonomous region in Spain. Please remember to use this article as a compliment to your own research on official government sites.

1. NIE/TIE Madrid – What is it & Which one do you Need to Apply For?

The NIE number (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) is an identity number that everyone who plans to live in Spain for longer than 3 months is required to apply for. It consists of 1 letter at the beginning, 7 numbers and 1 letter at the end (X0000000-R). It will act as your foreigner’s ID number and will be your key to life in Spain as it will be used when applying for nearly anything. For example, you need a NIE number in Spain for the following:

  • To work, to be self employed or to start a business
  • To study long-term in Spain (more than 3 months)
  • To open a Spanish bank account as a resident
  • To contract internet or a Spanish SIM card (that is not prepaid)
  • To register with social services and receive benefits
  • To buy or sell property and to arrange a loan or mortgage
  • To apply for a driver’s license
  • and so on

As we mentioned above, everyone – meaning both EU and Non-EU citizens – planning on staying in Spain longer than 3 months is required, by law, to apply for a NIE number. For EU citizens, the NIE number will be printed on the NIE card and this card can be applied for within the first 3 months of your stay in Spain. For Non-EU citizens who plan to stay in Spain for longer than 6 months, the NIE number will be printed on the TIE card and this card must be applied for within the first 30 days of your stay. For Non-EU citizens who plan to stay in Spain for 6 months or less the NIE number should be printed on the visa within your passport and will be done as a part of your visa application*.

*Some consulates have not adapted to the new system of printing the NIE number on applicant’s visas. If you are planning to stay in Spain for 6 months or less and your visa does not have a NIE number printed on it, please fill out our free Spain Immigration Form so we can point you in the right direction.

In the next paragraph we will explain in detail what the NIE card and TIE card are, how to qualify and how to apply for them. If you do not need to know the full explanation of each, feel free to skip ahead to the step-by-step guides for applying to each using the buttons below. The guides will help you understand if you really need to apply for a NIE or TIE in Spain as well as give detailed instructions on how to get your NIE card or TIE card appointment online, how to fill out the correct documents and how to submit them. Both guides focus on the NIE/TIE application process in Madrid, however they are very similar all over Spain.

1.1 NIE Spain – What is a NIE Card (EU Citizens)?

The NIE card is officially known as the “Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE“. But to keep it simple, people often refer to it as just the NIE. It is a green paper card with one laminated side that has the applicant’s details printed on it. As its official name suggests, this is the document that citizens of the European Union (or equivalent) will apply for when moving to Madrid to work or study for longer than 3 months. You can only apply for the NIE Card from Spain, however you can start looking for appointments dates and collecting the required documents from home.

Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE (NIE Card Spain)

EU Citizens (or equivalent) do not need to apply for a visa to live in Spain. However, if you wish to live in Spain for longer than 3 months, you will need to apply for the NIE Card. To qualify, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Have valid health insurance for your time in Spain
  • Carry proof of acceptance at a university or an official educational institution and have sufficient funds to support yourself during that time or
  • Carry proof of a valid work contract with a Spanish employer or
  • Carry proof of obtaining “autónomo” status
  • Carry proof of living with a family member who has already obtained resident status

There is a second type of NIE that often gets confused for the “Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE”. It is simply known as the “Asignación de NIE” and it is applied for with the EX-15 form. Keep in mind this NIE is NOT the one you need if you are moving to Spain to study or work. It does not give any kind of residency status. Read more about the uses of the “Asignación de NIE” in our FAQ section.

To continue reading about applying for the NIE in Madrid (how to make an appointment and what forms you need to complete and how), jump ahead to our chapter called “How to Apply for a NIE in Madrid as an EU citizen“.

1.2 TIE Spain – What is a TIE card (Non-EU Citizens)?

The TIE card is officially known as the “Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero“, but its name is often shortened to TIE. It is a plastic card that has the applicant’s details as well as their photo, their fingerprint and the expiration date printed on it. This is the document that all Non-Europeans who are staying in Spain for more than 6 months will need to apply for. The card classification will differ depending on the type of visa the applicant applies with – the most common being the student TIE. You can only apply for the TIE Card from Spain, however you can start looking for appointments dates and collecting the required documents from home.

The TIE card is the key to live in Spain longer than 6 months for any Non-EU citizen. To qualify for the TIE card in Spain you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have valid health insurance for your entire time in Spain
  • Proof of visa application approval
  • Proof of acceptance at a university or an official educational institution and have sufficient funds to support yourself during that time or
  • Proof of a valid work contract with a Spanish employer or
  • Proof of obtaining “autónomo” status

TIE Card Spain – Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero

To continue reading about applying for the TIE in Madrid (how to make an appointment and what forms you need to complete and how), jump ahead to our chapter called “How to Apply for a TIE in Madrid as a Non-EU citizen“.

1.3 Cita Previa – Applying for a NIE/TIE in Spain

When applying for either a NIE card or a TIE card in Spain you first need to make what is called a “cita previa” (appointment online). The cita previa is simply an appointment made at the Spain Immigration offices in the Spanish city that you’re living in and it has to be done within a certain time of your arrival (e.g. for the TIE card you have to apply within the first 30 days). You can make these appointments by visiting the official Spain administration website and selecting your province as well as the legal document you need to apply for.

When making your cita previa, the correct names for each appointment look like this:

For the NIE card: Policia-Certificados de Registros de Ciudadano de la U.E

For the TIE card: Policía – Toma de Huellas (Expedición de Tarjeta) y Renovación de Tarjeta de Larga Duración

Once you have chosen your province and the correct legal document to apply for, you will be required to complete some personal information. Afterwards, you need to select an appointment time slot. There will be a time limit, so make sure you choose quickly. You’ll have to confirm your selection by entering a code and checking some boxes. Once confirmed you’ll be sent your appointment confirmation.

Seems pretty easy right? Well, the truth is that applying for a NIE card or TIE card in Spain tends to be very stressful and time consuming for various reasons that are completely unavoidable. From trying to find an appointment date and filling out the complicated application forms correctly. To collecting all the right documents that you need, some of which require their own appointments and application forms.

If you want to avoid these issues completely then we recommend reaching out to MTS Relocation & Consulting Services! Their experienced team can help you apply for your NIE card or your TIE card quickly and successfully with minimal hassle. All you have to do is fill out their consultation form today and receive a free quote and a free consultation to go over your situation.

For a step-by-step guide on making an appointment now, skip ahead to our chapter on applying for the NIE or applying for the TIE.

2. How to Apply for a NIE in Madrid as an EU Citizen

Our comprehensive “Step-by-step NIE Spain application guide” below will outline everything, from what you need to submit, making an appointment and how to fill out the forms. Make sure you read it carefully so you don’t miss any important details!

If you’re looking for instructions on how to apply for the TIE, please skip ahead to chapter “How to apply for a TIE in Madrid as a Non-EU Citizen”.

2.1 Do you Really Need to Apply for a NIE for your Time in Spain?

Before you get started you need to determine whether or not you need to apply for a NIE for your time in Madrid. Depending on your circumstances (length of stay, country of origin, reason for travel) you might need a different document altogether. Use our easy to follow “requirement chart” on our Spain Immigration Explained page to determine if you really need to apply for a NIE for your time in Madrid.

If you followed the chart and still have questions about what documents you need, please fill out our free Immigration Support Form at the bottom of this page with your question(s) and we will point you in the right direction!


2.2 “Cita Previa” NIE Madrid – How to make your NIE Appointment

To get started you need to make your appointment online, also known as “cita previa”. To make the appointment head over to the official website here. You will need to select the province that you will reside in. The process is more or less the same overall, however in this article we will be covering the steps for making a cita previa for a NIE Card in Madrid. Once you’ve selected Madrid as your province, continue with the following steps:

  1. In the section labelled Trámites Policía Nacional select “Policía-Certificados de Registros de Ciudadano de la U.E.“ in the drop down. Then click “aceptar” to continue.

In April 2021 the government added the option to choose an office already on the first page. However, it is not mandatory and you can leave it blank. If you know which office you’d like to go to, you can select it at this stage. Just keep in mind this might limit your options depending on availability for your specific “appointment type” at that one office.

  1. The page will refresh to an overview of what documents you need for the NIE in Madrid. You can review it but we also have it listed in English below. Select the box labelled “Presentación sin Cl@ve” and click “entrar” to continue.
  2. Here you need to fill in your personal details. It’s best to use your passport, but if you only have your National ID you can still select “PASAPORTE”” and enter those details as well. Please ensure the information is entered exactly how it is shown on your document. Click “aceptar” to continue.

  1. The page will reload and give you 4 options. Click “solicitar cita”.
  2. The next page you will have a drop down to select what offices to have your appointment. The most popular office in Madrid is located at Padre Piquer. However we recommend just choosing what is there because appointments can be very hard to find and there is times where it is almost impossible. Once chosen, click “siguiente”.
  3. The next page will ask for your contact info. Please choose a relevant Spanish phone number that you have on hand as they will be sending an important code that you will need to enter to continue. Once done, click “siguiente”.

  1. If there are appointment slots available, the page will give you some options for the next appointment “period”, which is usually 1-2 weeks out. Select your preferred date and time. The page will automatically reload. If there are no appointments available, the page will tell you “En este momento no hay citas disponibles. En breve, la oficina pondrá a su disposición nuevas citas”. You will need to try again later to look for your cita previa. If you need your NIE card urgently, you can contact MTS. They will help you to get the cita previa as quick as possible.
  1. Review your personal data and the details of the appointment to make sure all is correct. A security code will be sent to the phone number you indicated earlier – type the number in the box at the bottom of the page. Also make sure to select both check boxes before clicking “confirmar”.
  2. Once your appointment is confirmed you will see your appointment code at the top of the page. You will receive this confirmation via email, however, we recommend saving and printing this page too.

2.3 How to Correctly Fill out the EX-18 Form (NIE Madrid Application Form)

To apply for the NIE in Spain you need to complete the EX-18 form. It’s quite straight forward but we have translated it for you and explained how to fill each section below.

Section 1 (Applicant Data)

  1. Pasaporte / NIE – Passport number / NIE number (if you received the number already)
  2. 1er/2º Apellido – Surnames (if you only have one leave second space empty)
  3. Nombre – First name
  4. Sexo: H/M – Sex: Male/Female
  5. Fecha de nacimiento / Lugar / País – Birth date / City / Country (in Spain dates are written dd/mm/yyyy)
  6. Nombre de padre/madre – Full name of father and mother
  7. Domicilo en España / Nº / Piso / Localidad / C.P. / Provincia – Address in Spain / Building number / Apartment number / City / Postal code / Province (remember Madrid is both the city and the province)
  8. Teléfono móvil / Email – mobile phone / Email
  9. Representante legal en su caso / DNI/NIE/PAS / Título – Leave empty if you do not have a legal representative applying for you

Section 2 (Applicant Representative Data)

If you are 18+ and applying on your own, you leave this section empty. If you have a legal rep helping you have them complete this section.

Section 3 (Applicant Contact Info)

Leave blank if the address you filled in section 1 is the same address where you’d like to receive any government communications regarding your application.

Section 4 (Status in Spain)

  1. Período previsto de residencia en España / Fecha de inicio de la residencia en España – Planned duration of stay in Spain / Start date of your stay in Spain
  2. The following sections are to explain your reason for moving to Spain. The most typical boxes to select are:
    • Residencia temporal – Temporary residence
    • Estudiante con recursos suficientes y seguro de enfermedad Student with sufficient financial resources and health insurance

As we cannot go over all potential scenarios we have only highlighted the process for students. If you have a different situation that does not apply to either of these options, please fill out our free Immigration Support Form at the bottom of this page and we will point you in the right direction.

Signature & Date

Fill the date in the following order [City] a [Day], de [Month], de [Year] and sign the second box (Firma del solicitante).

2.4 How to Fill out and Pay the Tax Form 790 (Code 012) for the NIE Card

Another step you need to complete before going to your NIE appointment is to pay the corresponding tax fee of 12,00 Euros (December 2024). Follow the steps below to generate the form and then take the form to any bank to pay the fee. Once done you’ll receive a receipt to bring to your appointment.

  1. Open the tax “Tasa modelo 790 Código 012” document here 
  2. Complete section “Identificación” of the form with your personal details. You can use our translations from the EX-18 Form above for help
  3. Scroll to section “Autoliquidación” and make sure “principal” is selected
  4. Scroll to section “Tarjetas de identidad de extranjeros (TIE) y certificados de registro de residentes comunitarios” and select the button labelled “Certificado de registro de residente comunitario o Tarjeta de residencia de familiar de un ciudadano de la Unión”.

  1. Scroll to section “Declarante and write the name of the city you are applying in (in our case: Madrid) and the day’s date
  2. Continue to section “Ingreso and select “efectivo” (cash) as payment method
  3. Fill in the CAPCHA code and click “descargar impreso rellenado” to generate your tax forms

The page will reload and display the Tasa Modelo 790 Cogido 012 forms in a PDF format. You need to print out all of the pages and bring them to the nearest bank to pay the tax. The bank will stamp all three forms and keep one for their own records. You will need to bring the two remaining pages to your appointment.

2.5 What Documents do you Need to Submit at your NIE Appointment?

  • Proof of appointment (printed page with cita previa confirmation code)
  • Completed EX-18 form, printed and signed (original and copy)
  • Passport or DNI (original and copy) Important: You need to use the same document for all forms, do not use DNI for the forms and then bring your passport to the appointment or vice versa
  • Tasa Modelo 790 codigo 012 printed, paid and stamped by the bank
  • European health insurance card or your private health insurance for Spain (original and copy)
  • Document that certifies the reason of your stay in Spain. Like a letter of acceptance of your university, work contract, internship contract, etc.

2.6 Attending your NIE Appointment – What to Expect

We recommend getting to your appointment early with all your paperwork well organized. Depending on the time of year there will probably be a high influx of people applying and you do not want to miss your slot. The majority of the staff working at these offices do not speak any English so the more organized you are the quicker and easier the appointment will go for both. If you miss something you will be turned away and need to start again. 

You will receive your NIE before leaving your appointment, so sit back and it’ll all be over soon!

If you are looking for assistance on the day of your appointment we recommend contacting MTS Relocation & Consulting Services. They offer a support service for NIE appointments and can help you on the day of your appointment to ensure everything goes smoothly.

3. How to Apply for a TIE in Madrid as a Non-EU Citizen

Due to Spain’s infamous bureaucracy applying for your TIE in Madrid usually ends up being very tedious, time consuming and an overall frustrating experience. Luckily for you, our “Step-by-step TIE Spain application guide” below will help you through the whole process – from what documents you need to submit, how to fill out the important forms and making your appointment! Make sure you read it carefully so you don’t miss any important details!

If you’re looking for instructions on how to apply for the NIE, please skip ahead to chapter “How to apply for a NIE in Madrid as a Non-EU Citizen”.

3.1 Do you Really Need to Apply for a TIE for you Time in Spain?

Before you get started you need to determine whether or not you need to apply for a TIE for your time in Madrid. Depending on your personal circumstances (length of stay, country of origin, reason for travel) you might need a different document altogether. Use our easy to follow requirement chart on our Spain Immigration Explained page to determine if you really need to apply for a TIE card for your time in Madrid.

If you followed the chart and still have questions about what documents you need, please fill out our free Immigration Support Form at the bottom of this page with your question and we will point you in the right direction!

Get support from others looking to apply for these documents too by joining our Legal Support Facebook Forum. You can also join our WhatsApp group that is specifically catered to people looking for appointments for their applications! Simply send a message to our official mobile number (+34 656 19 07 45) and ask to join the Fingerprint Alert chat!

3.2 “Cita Previa” TIE Madrid – How to Make your TIE Appointment

To get started you need to make your appointment, also known as “cita previa”. To make the appointment head over to the official website here. You will need to select the province that you will reside in. The process is more or less the same overall, however in this article we will be covering the steps for making a cita previa for a TIE Card in Madrid. Once you’ve selected Madrid as your province, continue with the following steps!

  1. In the section labelled Trámites Policía Nacional select select “Policía – Toma de Huellas (Expedición de Tarjeta) y Renovación de Tarjeta de Larga Duración“. Then click “aceptar” to continue.

In April 2021 the government added the option to choose an office already on the first page. However, it is not mandatory and you can leave it blank. If you know which office you’d like to go to, you can select it at this stage. Just keep in mind this might limit your options depending on availability for your specific “appointment type” at that one office.

  1. The page will refresh to an overview of what documents you need for the TIE in Madrid. You can review it but we also have it listed in English below. Select the box labelled “Presentación sin Cl@ve” and click “entrar” to continue.
  2. Here you need to fill in your personal details. You will need to provide the NIE number which should be printed the Spanish visa in your passport*. Please ensure the information is entered exactly how it is shown on your document. Click aceptar” to continue.

*If there is no NIE number printed on the Spanish visa in your passport then please reach out to our partners at MTS Relocation for assistance on how to proceed.

  1. The page will reload and give you 4 buttons. Click “solicitar cita”.
  2. The next page you will have a drop down to select what offices to have your appointment. The most popular office in Madrid is located at Avenida de los Poblados. However we recommend just choosing what is there because appointments for the TIE are very hard to find. Once chosen, click “siguente”.
  3. The next page will ask for your contact info. Please choose a relevant Spanish phone number that you have on hand as they will be sending an important code that you will need to enter to continue. Once done, click “siguiente”.

  1. If there are appointment slots available the page will give you some options for the next appointment period”, which is usually 1-2 weeks out. Select your preferred date and time. The page will automatically reload. If there are no appointments available, the page will tell you “En este momento no hay citas disponibles. En breve, la oficina pondrá a su disposición nuevas citas”. You will need to try again later. If you need your TIE Card urgently, you can contact MTS. They will help you to get the cita previa as quick as possible.
  1. Review your personal data and the details of the appointment to make sure all is correct. A security code will be sent to the phone number you indicated earlier – type the number in the box at the bottom of the page. Also make sure to select both checkboxes before clicking “confirmar”.
  2. Once your appointment is confirmed you will see your appointment code at the top of the page. You will receive this confirmation via email however we recommend saving and printing this page too.

3.3 How to Correctly Fill out the EX-17 Form (TIE Madrid Application Form)

To apply for the TIE in Spain (any province) you need to complete the EX-17 form. It’s quite straight forward but we have translated it for you and explained how to fill each section below.

Section 1 (Applicant Data)

  1. Pasaporte / NIE – Passport number / NIE number (if you received the number already (part of your visa))
  2. 1er/2º Apellido – Surnames (if you only have one leave second space empty)
  3. Nombre – First name
  4. Sexo: H/M – Sex: Male/Female
  5. Fecha de nacimiento / Lugar / País – Birthdate / City / Country (in Spain dates are written dd/mm/yyyy)
  6. Nombre de padre/madre – Full name of father and mother
  7. Domicilo en España / Nº / Piso / Localidad / C.P. / Provincia – Address in Spain / Building number / Apartment number / City / Postal code / Province (remember Madrid is both the city and the province)
  8. Teléfono móvil / Email – mobile phone / Email
  9. Representante legal en su caso / DNI/NIE/PAS / Título – Leave empty if you do not have a legal representative applying for you.

Section 2 (Applicant Representative Data)

If you are 18+ and applying on your own you leave this section empty. If you have a legal rep helping you have them complete this section.

Section 3 (Applicant Contact Info)

Leave blank if the address you filled in section 1 is the same address where you’d like to receive any government communications regarding your application.

Section 4 (More Data for Application)

  1. Tipo de documento – Type of document
    •  Tarjeta inicial – First time applying
  2. Situación en España – Reason for coming to Spain
    • Estancia por estudios, investigación-formación, intercambio, prácticas o voluntariado – Coming to study, do internship, an exchange or volunteer.

As we cannot go over all potential scenarios we have only highlighted the process for first time applicants who are students/interns. If you have a different situation that does not apply to either of these options, please fill out our free Immigration Support Form at the bottom of this page and we will point you in the right direction.

Signature & Date

Fill the date in the following order [City] a [Day], de [Month], de [Year] and sign the second box (firma del solicitante).

3.4 How to Fill out and Pay the Tax Form 790 (Code 012) for the TIE Card

Another step you need to complete before going to your TIE appointment is to pay the corresponding tax fee of 16,08 Euros (December 2024). Follow the steps below to generate the form and then take the form to any bank to pay the fee. Once done you’ll receive a receipt to bring to your appointment.

  1. Open the tax document “Tasa modelo 790 Código 012” here.
  2. Complete section “Identificación” of the form with your personal details. You can use our translations from the EX-17 Form for help.
  3. Scroll to section “Autoliquidación” and make sure “principal” is selected.
  4. Scroll to the section labelled Tarjetas de identidad de extranjeros (TIE) y certificados de registro de residentes comunitarios and select the button labelled “TIE que documenta la primera concesión de la autorización de residencia temporal, de estancia o para trabajadores transfronterizos”.

  1. Scroll to section “Declarante” and write the name of the city in Spain you are applying in (in our case: Madrid) and the days date.
  2. Continue section “Ingreso and select “efectivo” (cash) as payment method.
  3. Fill in the CAPCHA code and click “descargar impreso rellenado” to generate your tax forms.

The page will reload and display the Tasa Modelo 790 Cogido 012 forms in a PDF format. You need to print out all of the pages and bring them to the nearest bank to pay the tax. The bank will stamp all three forms and keep one for their own records. You will need to bring the two remaining pages to your appointment.

Are you in need to open a Spanish bank account but do not have a NIE card or TIE card yet? Fill out our Free Online Banking Form and we will connect you directly with Banco Sabadell’s International Office in Madrid. They will give you more information on their quick and easy process to opening a free Spanish bank account as a non-resident!

If you prefer an online only bank than you can also open your Spanish bank account now online with Revolut! One of the most popular, free banking apps in Europe!

3.5 What Documents do you Need to Submit at your TIE Appointment?

  • Proof of appointment (printed page with cita previa confirmation code)
  • Completed EX-17 form, printed and signed (original and copy)
  • Passport (original and copies of all pages)
  • Tasa Modelo 790 codigo 012 printed, paid and stamped by the bank
  • Recent, colour, passport sized (32mmx26mm) photo of your face
  • Valid Empadronamiento which matches the address indicated on the EX-17 form (original and copy)
  • Valid visa document approving your stay in Spain (original and copy)
  • Proof of valid private health insurance for Spain which covers your entire intended stay (original and copy)
  • Document that certifies the reason of your stay in Spain. Like a letter of acceptance of your university, work contract, internship contract, etc.

Looking for a reliable and affordable health insurance plan that qualifies for your visa and TIE applications? Check out our awesome guide on the best health insurance in Spain for Internationals students & expats to find the best insurance plans that will cover you during your entire stay in Spain!

3.6 Your TIE Appointment – What to Expect

When it’s time to go to your TIE appointment you should prepare to be out for a while. The offices are often outside the center and despite there being appointment slots, there will be long lines and lots of people. We recommend getting to your appointment early with all your paperwork well organized. If you miss something you will be turned away and need to start again. The majority of the staff working at these offices do not speak any English so the more organized you are the quicker and easier the appointment will go for both.

You will be called to sit with a government rep as they analyze your paper work. Once everything is cleared they will take your fingerprints (toma de huellas). They will give you a white paper with your personal details and your NIE number printed on it. This paper does not act as a TIE and does not give you residence status, it is to be used as proof that you submitted your paperwork while you wait for your TIE card to be printed.

The card will be ready between 20-40 days after application. Make sure you ask them so you can plan to pick up your card for the right time. As of Jan 2021 it is mandatory to make an appointment to pick up the TIE card. You can make this appointment here under “Policía – Recogida de Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE)“.

If you are looking for assistance on the day of your appointment we recommend contacting MTS Relocation & Consulting Services. They offer a support service for NIE & TIE appointments and can help you also on the day of your appointment.

4 Get Personalized Support with your NIE Card/TIE Card Application

The steps mentioned above can be overwhelming for anyone! If you’re struggling to make your appointment and to fill out all the correct forms, we recommend contacting MTS Relocation & Consulting Services! They offer many services to help their clients prepare for the NIE/TIE but also other legal procedures like the Empadronamiento, Autorización de Regreso, TIE Renewal, Social Security, Spanish citizenship and so on. From simply making your appointment to preparing all the documents!

So if you would like to avoid a bumpy start, get in touch with MTS to organize a free email consultation and get a free quote for their services! They offer discounted rates of up to 50% off to international students! Simply follow the link below to contact them for a free quote!

5. How to Renew your NIE or TIE in Madrid

Nothing lasts forever, and that’s certainly true for the NIE as well as the TIE Card in Spain. At some point you will need to renew your NIE/TIE and even though you might think that it will be a simpler process than the initial application, it can actually be even more complicated. This chapter will cover NIE/TIE renewals in Madrid, including who needs to renew and how it works. Continue reading and remember to use our free Immigration Support Form if you have any doubts.

5.1 NIE Renewal Madrid – What is it and how to do it

If you remember from everything we shared above, the NIE is the small green residence card for EU-Citizens living in Spain for longer than 3 months. The NIE card is valid for 5 years and then the cardholder will need to look into the process of “renewing”. However, technically there is no such thing as a NIE renewal. Instead you will be required to upgrade to what is known as a permanent NIE (Certificado Permanente).

We call it an upgrade because the permanent certificate does not expire and solidifies your residence in Madrid and Spain for the rest of your life. The NIE renewal process is similar to the initial NIE application. You can make your appointment on the official Spain administration website. There you will also find the list of what you need to present at your appointment.

5.2 How to Renew your TIE in Madrid (for Non-EU citizens)

This is where things get tricky. Most TIE cards in Spain are valid for around 12 months. Of course, this may vary depending on each individual circumstance of each non-EU citizen (length of visa, reason for your stay, nationality, etc). In any case, the TIE will always need to be renewed at some point if you plan to remain in Spain. Unfortunately the process to renew your TIE is rather complicated, mainly due to lack of transparent information online and Spain’s habit of constantly changing their procedures without sufficient communication. But below we will do our best to highlight the most important information.

5.2.1 How to Qualify for a TIE Renewal

The purpose of renewing your TIE is to essentially repeat the exact same situation that you had when you first applied. This means that you must continue studying at the same place and the same course type (e.g. “international business” at Complutense University), working or interning in the same field, staying in the same city and so on. Your application for renewal will most likely not be accepted if you are altering your reason for being in Madrid/ Spain. Please be advised that the TIE renewal is also not a way to modify your legal status from student to worker or vice versa. Any major change in your situation in Spain will require a complete reset. Meaning you will need to return to your home country and apply for a new visa under your new circumstances or dive in to the process of visa modification.

Modifying your visa status from a student to a worker is not easy. If you are interested in doing a modification, feel free to fill out our Immigration Support Form at the bottom of this page and we connect you with a group of expert lawyers who can assist you during the entire process if needed.

5.2.2 When to Renew Your TIE

You can begin the process of renewing your TIE in Madrid as early as 60 days before your TIE expires and up to 90 days after it has expired. Please note that the process can take time, so the earlier you start the better. Additionally please bear in mind that as your Visa & TIE will be expired and as you will need to submit the originals of your documents, you will not be able to travel outside of Spain while your TIE renewal is in process. If you wish you travel home (and only home) during this time, make sure you apply for an Autorización de Regreso (Authorization to Return Permit).

5.2.3 How to Submit your TIE Renewal Application

There are 3 ways that you can submit your TIE renewal application depending on what suits you best:

  1. Via appointment at one of the registry offices in the city – the most popular being on Calle García de Paredes, 65
  2. Via Spain’s online portal – keep in mind you will need a digital certificate (Cl@ve) for this option.
  3. Via traditional mail by submitting your application at any post office – addressed to Calle Silva 19, 28004 Madrid
  4. Once your renewal is approved you will need to make an appointment for your new card. You can do this by following the same steps for the original TIE that we mention above. Only this time you will also need to show your approved renewal application.
TIE Card Spain – Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero

As we mentioned above, renewing your TIE is more complex than the initial application due to very limited online resources. Spain is constantly changing and evolving their procedures which makes it difficult to be fully transparent. If you are having issues with your application, please remember to reach out to our partners at MTS Relocation & Consulting Services. Their experienced and informed team can help you with your TIE renewal in Madrid as well as many other legal support services to take the stress off of your shoulders and to make sure you comply with Spanish legislation.

6. Fill out our free Immigration Support Form for More Advice.

Feeling overwhelmed and still have some questions or would like an expert to support? Fill our our Immigration Support Form below and we will do our best to guide you in the right direction. Depending on your question we might send you some helpful resources, or connect you with experienced professionals who can give you a free consultation. Take advantage of the form and submit any questions you might have! The first email consultation is free of charge!

Please note: By sending the form below, you automatically agree that we can forward your data to “MTS – Relocation & Consulting Services for Spain” as well as “Proyecto Océano” so that they may review your case and provide you with further advice if needed!

Complete our free “Spain Immigration Legal Support” form (Click to open)

    First name / Nombre

    Last name / Apellido

    Your email / Correo electrónico

    Your phone number / Número de teléfono

    Your country of origin (nationality) / País de origen

    You are currently In possession of / Actualmente tienes

    Are you already in Spain? / Ya estás en España?

    How long have you been in Spain? Cúanto tiempo llevas en España?

    Planned duration of your stay in Spain (in months) / Duración estimada de tu estancia en España (en meses)

    What city in Spain will you move to or do you live? / A qué ciudad en España te vas a mudar o vives de momento?

    Preferred language to communicate? / En qué idioma prefieres comunicar?

    Which topics are you interested in?

    Please detail your questions / Por favor danos detalles sobre tus preguntas

    He leído y acepto la Política de Privacidad / I have read and accept the the Privacy Statement!


    6. FAQ

    Leah has been living in and exploring Madrid since 2013 when she moved to the city for a simple summer abroad. She started the Citylife Blog in 2014 with the goal to share everything there is to know about her favourite place on earth!

    70 Comments. Leave new

    • Hi
      Thanks a lot for this very thorough guide. Very helpful.
      I have an appointment at Avenida del Padre Piquer but have to cancel it and make a new one.
      It seems very hard to figure out how to cancel my appointment.
      Can someone please help me understand how to do this?
      Thanks in advance!

    • Good evening. Basically I am from India and currently in Madrid on a Student dependent Visa as my wife is in Madrid on student visa.
      My wife’s Student visa expired on 28th October 2022 and she applied for the renewal on 9th December 2022. The status of her renewal
      is showing In Process (En Tramite). It’s been almost 4 months since the date of submission of application. As it is taking too long to get her a response from the Ministry. Is there any possibility to get the result as soon as possible?

      There is one more information I required regarding me who is on a student dependent visa. We had been told that I can apply for the extension after my wife gets her TIE renewal. I want to travel to India as there is some emergency. Please advise on my TIE renewal process and travel as my visa also expired on 28th October 2022.

    • Hi, this article was super useful! Thank you for the help.
      I’d like to point out that the location you pick your TIE card up from has to be the same as the place you go to submit the documents and fingerprint. I wasn’t able to find an appointment for the same place so booked another and found out that’s unacceptable. So just a heads up for anyone!

    • Anna Evangelia Koutsouveli
      31/07/2022 13:20

      I have 2 questions:
      1. What is the criteria: “carry proof of living with a family member who has already obtained resident status” mean? I am a EU citizen and will move to Madrid to study and my family does not have a resident status in Spain but in Greece only. Is this adequate?
      2. Do i need the Empadronamiento in order to apply for the NIE?

    • Mido Omar
      27/01/2022 07:02

      If I have indefinite employment contact and I’m applying for TIE for the first time, how long it will last as valid card 1 year or 5 years.

    • Ehsan Elahi
      20/12/2021 13:09

      Hi Good Morning.
      I am international student in uc3m legense campus. I need a good lawyer for the TIE card as soon as possible. Could you please help me??
      Your response would be highly appreciated.

    • Thank you so much for this article – by far the clearest, most informative and up-to-date of the many I read before trying to get my N.I.E. Honestly, it took days just to find out I needed an EX18 as an EU citizen registering in Madrid – so many websites said EX15 and had a broken link to that form on the government website. I booked an appointment 4 days ago and was successful getting my NIE on my first attempt at Padre Piquer today. It was an efficient process and the staff were friendly and polite from door to desk. I arrived 20 minutes before my slot and was seen 15 minutes after my slot – the whole thing took under an hour. I was lucky the person I saw spoke some English though he complimented my basic Spanish and we spoke in a mix of both. I registered as a student and had proof of study plus EHIC (not private health insurance). I was not asked to show any financial proof but I had 3 months of bank statements plus my rental agreement just in case. I was however asked to prove when I’d entered Spain so I was glad I had my flight ticket saved on my phone. They tried to turn me away and make me come back in a month as I haven’t been here for 3 months yet but I respectfully pleaded with the guy and his supervisor that I needed a NIE to open a bank account and get wifi and they agreed. I definitely advise being patient, organised and polite – I expected to be disappointed today and I’m so grateful it worked out with all the info from this website plus a bit of luck and human kindness!

      • Hi Helena! Wow, I’m so happy to hear your experience applying for your NIE in Madrid went well! We put a lot of work into this page so It’s wonderful to hear that it helped you out. I have one question for you about then also refusing you because you had not been here for 3 months yet. We’ve never heard of such a “rule” before. In fact, usually they insist that people apply as soon as they arrive. Could you share some more details about that with us?

      • Hi Helena, thank you for sharing your experience. Just one question, have you translated or legalized any of the documents?

    • Thanks for this guide it was really helpful!
      I’d like to emphasize that you can pay (bringing Tasa Modelo 790 Cogido 012 form) ONLY in banks (because where I come from it is also possible to pay for such thing in e.g. a post office) and you can ONLY pay to a cashier in the bank, who has a very specific working hours (I think they differ even from bank to bank). Get to know these hours before going, otherwise they will not accept your payment!

      • Hi there! Yes this is correct. In Madrid it has never been possible to pay for something like this at a post office so we did not think to make that incredibly clear. But thanks!

    • Anyone know the address of the office where the appointments are held?

    • Catherine
      02/01/2019 12:36

      Hey your post has been really helpful. My problem is I can not get an appointment for my Empadronamiento within 30 days upon my arrival of Spain for there is no vacancy available on the municipal government’s website. And does it matter which office that I choose? Thanks very much.

    • I have been trying to book an appointment for the TIE but it always tells me that there is no appointment available, What can I do regarding this issue. Would it be better to go to the office and book an appointment from there? I have about 2 months left for my visa to expire, and my proof of residency appointment is more than a month away

    • Hi,

      Thanks for the article.

      I will move to Madrid with my family. I’m non-european but my husband has an European citizenship so I would like to ask, which type of NIE (for the family members of the union) that I have to apply.

      Thank you for your time

    • Hi,

      Thanks for the article.

      I will move to spain with my family. I’m non-european but my husband has an European citizenship so I would like to know, which type of NIE the Eu family members (without eu citizenship) should apply?

      Thank you

    • Hello,
      I have just got back from an unsuccessful appointment with the oficina de extranjeros trying to get my certification, in the above for EU citizens you imply that an EHIC card is an acceptable means for healthcare.
      I would like to clarify that unless you are a student this is NOT the case, you will need to be registered with social seguridad or have private insurance.
      I would also stress although my situation is unusual, all documentation for justification needs to be in Spainish if this is not the case it needs to be translated.

    • Gabrielle Tessier
      07/09/2018 12:09

      Hi! I was wondering if there are times which are better to reserve your appointment. I’ve been trying for the past week and there aren’t any appointment available… I’ve tried at midday, in the morning, in the evening every day… I don’t know what to do… I’ve entered the country the 29 of august and I’m scared I won’t have an appointment on time if ever I manage to get one…
      Thank you, Gabrielle

    • Hi,
      I’m not sure if you’re still moderating this forum, but it has been very helpful. I do have one question that I hope you may be able to answer. I am a US citizen here on a student visa for 1 year, so my student visa says valid for 90 days and I now have to get a TIE. I arrived in Madrid on August 2nd, and I reserved my TIE appointment today, August 9th. However, the earliest appointment they have available is for September 5, which is slightly more than 30 days since I’ve arrived in Madrid. Will they still allow me to submit my documents? All of my documents will be in order by this Monday August 13, but it does not seem that they can take me until after my 30 days are up. Do you have any experience with this issue? Any advice? Thank you, Katie

      • Hi there Katie!

        You will be fine. It was out of your control which dates were available so they will not (or rather should not) have a problem with it. In my experience they do not mind too much as they understand the appointments are hard to get!

    • Hello,

      I am an American living in Madrid that has a student NIE card that recently expired and would like help on how to renew it in order to stay in Madrid. The reason I am in need for an extension is because I was recently accepted into a Masters program here. I have all the original documentation from my initial visa and want to know what application I need to fill. Any information would be much appreciated. Please and thank you.

    • I am doing my Masters in Madrid. I have my NIE already but do I require the new NIE to do the internship in Madrid?

    • Hi my name is Mohamed
      I have NIE Spanish card as student
      If I need to travel to France do I need visa
      I’m not EU citizen

    • I have just been to the bank to pay the tax fee to get the NIE and they won’t let me pay it …. because I don’t have a NIE. They said my passport number won’t work in the system and I have to get a number from the police.

    • Hi Leah , do you have some information on how to renew NIE card? Thanks!

    • Jeannette
      05/04/2018 14:22

      “Copy of the granted administrative decision, in the case of initial authorizations”
      The above is listed in your #4 prepare your documents for a non EU applying for a TIE.
      What is the granted administrative decision exactly and what does this paper look like?
      I am also still awaiting my Certificate of residency (Empadronamiento) as they needed an original rental contract with signature (mine was done via web scan). The government site states the TIE must be applied for within 30 days of arrival in Spain. My April 15th deadline is fast approaching. Does anyone know how being over the 30 day limit is handled? Any suggestions/experiences would be greatly appreciated. Getting a bit nervous. I am located in the Girona region by the way. Thanks so much!

    • If anyone has a Youth Mobility Visa (Working Holiday Visa) from Australia, Canada or wherever, I have some advice for completing the form. On page 2 where you select your SITUACIÓN EN ESPAÑA choose “other” and write “acuerdo movilidad”. Also, you don´t need a confirmation from a job, studies, or Carta de Nombramiento to get this tarjeta. Suerte!

    • Hi Leah , Is it possible to apply NIE Card through online in Madrid and once apply how many days It will take to get an NIE Card .

    • Stephen Phelan
      26/02/2018 10:46

      Hi there

      I got a temporary NIE (paper version) last year. I’ve been living/working back and forth between the UK and Spain but now want to stay in Spain for a longer period, so need to get the more permanent NIE card, registered to a different address in Madrid. Do I just go ahead and apply as if for the first time? Or can I use my initial NIE number to get a more permanent card? Also, given that I work freelance for various clients (outside Spain) do you have any advice for what kind of document I should use to certify the reason for my stay in Spain? Thanks for any help you can provide.

    • Could you please tell me what this means – “Copy of the granted administrative decision, in the case of initial authorizations”?
      I am in Spain on a 1 year youth mobility visa from Australia and I have an appointment next week to get the TIE. I received my NIE while applying for the visa in Australia.

    • I am 66yo and retired and here to live permanently. I applied for an NIE at one of the designated Police stations (I want to buy a vehicle and get long term rental) but was told that I could NOT get one and had to go straight to the process of applying for residency. Even though that takes much longer, I have no problem with that as long as my EU passport is good enough to do what I need to do now. Do you know if I can actually do that?

      15/02/2018 00:13

      Helloooo! I need a clarification pleaaase ..
      Does the receip they give when you apply for an extension include 90 days since the day of expiration or the day you apply for it?
      For example, if my expiration day is on 30th of June, and I apply for an extension on 1st May. Will the receip be valid for July, August, September? or only for May, June and July?

    • If you plan on taking classes, but are really there to teach English, do I need to register for 9 months of classes? Or can I register for 3 (Oct.-Dec.) And then renew? I know I’ll need the student visa to teach, but I’m just so confused…

      • Hey Katy. The student visa you apply for will only be valid for the amount of time you register classes for. There will be a set expiration date of the visa. So if you only apply for three months, your visa will only be valid for three months. In theory, you’re not actually allowed to work while on a student visa without special permission. If you’re going through a program it will be fine, but if you’re doing it on your own be careful!

    • I am planning on moving to spain, I’m thinking madrid.
      To rent for 6 months. Should I apply for my NIE number before I move or when I get there ? I am currently in Ireland

    • I’ve heard there are new rules for 2018. Any updates that you know of?

    • Hi,

      Can you please tell me if I can apply for the NIE card as my Student Visa is valid for 6 months?
      Moreover, I have got the job offer from a company so will I be able to obtain NIE card on the basis of my student visa as I would be studying and working too?

    • Hello! Great article for the application and very thorough.

      My situation is slightly different. I am Canadian with a youth mobility visa (allowed to study,travel,work) for a year. I already have an NIE printed and stamped on my visa. Is this enough or do I need to get a TIE. As a Canadian, I am allowed to travel to the UK for 6 months and to any ither schengen for 3months out of 6 months.

      1) Just wondering if TIE is actually mandatory for stays longer than 3 months?
      2) Is the TIE mostly for other nationalities with more travel restrictions to UK (i.e coming back to Spain)
      3) How do you apply for TIE without a permanent address (as my plan is to travel long-term)?

      Thank you!

    • I am a Non EU citizen in Tenerife on a tourist visa. I have established a company here in Tenerife which has a NIE and a tax number. My question is : Can I apply to the local police for a TIE/NIE for myself in order to stay more than 90 days.

    • Hi,

      As a valid TIE holder, does movement around the EU include the UK or does that require a separate VISA?


      • Hey Amanda,

        The TIE is a Spanish document that is related to your visa status in Spain. You should always travel with you passport as some countries might not recognise it the same way Spain does. In regards to needing a visa for the UK… this completely depends on your nationality so I would advise you to please contact your embassy!

    • Hello,

      I’m lebanese and I have my appointment for my residency card on Thursday. I’m studying for a couple of month.
      It’s not easy to get information from them but, would you possibly know if I need an empadronamiento?

    • Mirna Hammoud
      19/11/2017 13:12

      Hey, i applied for my NIE and they gave me a receipt or a paper that i should show them when i go the second time to get my NIE. The problem is that i lost this paper… what should i do ? Do the process all over again ? Or just show my documents another time ? Plz help !

    • Andrea Pillai
      29/10/2017 18:23

      Hey 🙂
      How long does the TIE last? By default, a maximum of one year or the length of the course (If the course is for 9 months)?

      • Hey Andrea,

        Your TIE is basically the same as a visa. So it is valid for as long as your work/study/internship period lasts for. If your course lasts 9 months, your TIE will be valid for 9 months!

    • Hello , my visa is Familiar ue/eee/suiza…what kind of card do I have to apply .i applied nie but they gave me only a papers is not a card.. My husband is Spanish and I am filipina.. I have already my padronamiento documents.. And in Dec. 4 is my appointment to get the residence card.. Do I have to wait before applying tie card

    • Hello! Thanks For the article! I am here in Spain on a Tourist Visa. I would like to buy property and need NIE, but to get that from what I understand I must get TIE.

      Must I first get permission to stay longer to get the TIE?

      • Hey Andrew!

        If you are not a citizen of the European Union then you will not be able to get a visa, a NIE or a TIE from within Spain. You visa status must be established when you enter the country. If you wish to change your status you must go home first, apply for a visa (student or work) and then enter Spain with that visa. Once you have entered Spain with that visa you can apply for the TIE. Essentially, you need a valid visa to apply for the TIE, and a tourist visa does not meet the regulations required for that.

        – Leah

    • Hi! I am working on a dependant visa here in Madrid. I got my NIE card when i was not working. So, do i need to reapply for NIE since I am having a work contract now?? This is because when I went to apply for government medical card they asked me to reapply for NIE since I am working now.

    • Hi! First of all – thank you for the great guide. I have a question though. I do have a NIE number, but the one which is issued on a A4 piece of paper (I filed the EX15 form). Now, to obtain the NIE for staying over 3 months (I mean that small card), do I follow the entire process for getting the NIE but with the EX18 form, or is there a different way?

    • Hi! is it a big issue if I am unable to make my TIE appointment? I do not have a permanent address so I would like to wait until I have all my documents.
      Thank you

    • Because we need to have our legal paper to get a proper job here in Spain. For now, we don’t have a regular job. Before I work in a family. But I stop when I got pregnant. And my husband doesn’t have a regular job as well. Because he doesn’t have the legal papers to show. ;(

    • Hello. I jan a question. My husband and I came from the Philippines. We’re already living here in Spain for almost 2yrs now, without papers. I gave birth to our son last June 21, 2017. My question is, can we already start the process of our documents to have our legal papers to stay here in Spain because of our son was born here a 2months ago? Do you know how can we start and how much should we spend for all the processing fees? Your response is much appreciated… thank you so so much.

    • Jack Simpkin
      06/09/2017 16:42

      Hi there,

      Your link to the ‘NIE Registration Form’ under section 1, takes you to a PDF form titled EX-18 – ‘Solicitud de inscripción en el Registro Central de Extranjeros_Residencia ciudadano de la UE’, but isn’t the correct registration form for the NIE called EX-15 – ‘Solicitud de Número de Identidad de
      Extranjero (NIE) y Certificados’, or do I need both?


      • Hey Jack.

        The official website of the Spanish governemnt states that the applying for the NIE need the EX-18 form. And those applying for the TIE need the EX-17 form.

    • Hello I have a question. I am Canadian I have a student visa here in spain for six months. And i went to the police station to get my NIE or TIE because i have seen that if my stay is longer then 90 days i need some other sort of Identification. I have been doing my research but the amount of different requirements and paper work i have become lost. Can some one please help me. Thank you

      • Hey there John!

        All the information you need is laid out in this article! So try to follow it along a you should be fine!

        – Leah

    • Marcelle
      28/08/2017 13:43

      Hi Leah, Ill be moving to Salamanca in about two weeks. I have an italian passport, my school doesnt help me with any of the paper work. Any other recommendations? my study lasts for about 6 months and then ill be applying for internships at different companies. i already have an apartment and all that. Should i make the appointment before getting to spain?

      • Hi Marcelle!

        To make your NIE appointment you can basically follow all the same instructions in this article for EU citizens, but rather than indicating Madrid as your location, you can indicate Salamanca! The process should more or less be the same!

        Try it out now and see what appointments they have available! 🙂

        – Leah

    • Selina Zhu
      27/08/2017 22:58

      Hello! Thank you for the information. I have a student visa(with an NIE number). And after I have my TIE, am I able to travel to UK? (I know it is in the EU, but UK is always a bit different). Thank you for answering!

      • Hey there Selina!

        Yes you have it exactly right! Once all your papers and ID’s are in order you can travel to the UK and beyond!

        – Leah

    • Andres Reyes
      13/08/2017 18:59


      Your post is most helpful! I have a question: I am a Ph.D. student staying with my wife here in Lleida. My wife does not have a NIE yet (but I already have a NIE and TIE). I applied for student visa with my wife as my dependent (reunification process). My wife will be staying with me in the whole duration of my Ph.D. program. How should she apply for NIE and eventually TIE? I have her registered already in the townhall.

      • Hey Andres!

        Your situation goes a little far beyond my knowledge of NIE/TIE applications. I suggest you try contacting your consulate! They should be able to help you out!

        – Leah

    • Paddy Murphy
      29/06/2017 17:34

      Thanks for the article. I have been searching for just this! I come from Ireland and we have no national identity card. When I apply for NIE will I get a Spanish identity card with my photo and address? Should I choose a different type of appointment as I need a card or is Certficados UE the appropriate appointment? If not how to I satisfy the Spanish legal requirement to carry an identity document at all time?

    • Hi – what happens if as an EU national has a NIE from having studied abroad in Madrid two years ago, and now returns to teach english in a city just outside of Madrid? Is there a NIE renewal process? Or does the initial NIE last? Thanks for any help!

      • Hey Lyd!

        Technically, the only thing you would have to change on your NIE document is the address! You can do this by following the same steps in this article for applying for the NIE the first time!

        • Hi Leah,

          I was wondering whether the rules for the TIE had changed (in June 2017), since I’ve been informed by other applicants that you no longer need the empadronamiento certificate.

          I’ll be staying with friends for my first month, so I won’t have a rent contact (and no empadronamiento doc). Can I still apply for the TIE or do I need another document to supplement the lack of empadronamiento?

          Cheers, Lola


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