Any non-EU citizen who has been living in Spain for a while will be familiar with the Autorización de Regreso. For those who are going through their very first TIE renewal or Visa extension, you will learn very quickly about the importance and usefulness of this precious document. Despite being so important, the information about applying for it – as well as the actual rules for using it – is often hard to find. With online rumours, word of mouth speculations and outdated personal anecdotes getting confused with legitimate information. This can make the whole situation very confusing and stressful for a first time applicant. But don’t worry, we are here to help!
Are you extending your stay in Spain? Find more information on how to successfully apply for the NIE/TIE renewal in Madrid to avoid any hiccups along the way!
In this comprehensive guide we will give you all the official information about the Regreso that has been laid out by the Spanish government. This includes how to get the Autorización de Regreso in Spain and the rules for how to properly use it. Check out our content overview to find exactly the information you’re looking for, or read through the whole article for everything you need to know about the Autorización de Regreso in Spain.
Important: The Citylife team has collected the information below via intense research in collaboration with MTS Relocation & Consulting Services and Proyecto Océano, two very known legal & relocation companies in Spain. Please keep in mind that we are not directly related to any legal or government departments. Please remember to use this article as a compliment to your own research on official government sites.
1. What is the Autorización de Regreso & How Does it Work?
Simply put, the Autorización de Regreso (Permission to Return) or “Regreso”, is a white paper that gives the holder permission to leave and ultimately return to Spain without a valid Visa or valid TIE (residence card). It is used primarily by Non-EU citizens who are in the process of either renewing their expired TIE card or extending their Visa and who need to travel back home for a certain period of time.
To see who can qualify for an Autorización the Regreso please see our chapter called How to Get an Autorizacíon de Regreso in Madrid.
The Regreso paper displays your personal details and your first official date of residency in Spain. The paper also states that the holder of this paper will be authorized to return to Spain via any Spanish port of entry, without a Visa or TIE within a 90 day period. It also states that this document is not meant to be used as a way to tour the Schengen Zone*. The Regreso is only meant to be used to travel directly to your home country and back – nothing more.
The Autorización de Regreso is valid for a period of 90 days and can be used at any time within this period, but only once. When the document has been used it will be stamped and considered invalid for future use. So if you end up needing to travel home again and your renewal papers are still processing you will need to apply for another Regreso.
*You will find lots of information online (especially on forums like Facebook) that states that the Regreso will allow you to travel through the EU without your proper papers. Please be advised that this is not the case. The Regreso is a Spanish document and holds no power in other Schengen countries.
2. How to Get an Autorización de Regreso in Madrid
In the following chapter we will go over the steps to get an Autorización de Regreso in Madrid. Unlike the majority of other Spanish documents, the Regreso Spain is really simple to apply for. It has many similar steps to the TiE Card application process, only with different forms and taxes. Nevertheless, we will include the steps to making the appointment and what you need to bring with you!
There are two ways to qualify for the Autorización de Regreso. The first is to be in the process of renewing your TIE or Visa and to have proof that you’ve submitted your application. The second is if your initial TIE application has been delayed, leaving you without an expired Visa and no TIE card. You will also need to have your flights booked (round trip), which you will need to show proof of at your appointment. For more information check out our chapter called “What Documents do you Need to Submit at the Regreso Appointment“.
2.1 “Cita Previa” Autorización de Regreso Madrid – How to Make your Regreso Appointment
Now we are going to cover how to make an appointment “cita previa” for the Autorización de Regreso in Madrid. Please remember that each region in Spain often sets up their own rules and regulations for these kind of documents, and you should be aware that we are only covering the process for the community of Madrid.
- To make an appointment online for your Regreso in Madrid, please visit the official government website and select “Madrid“. Once finished, click on “Aceptar“. The page will quickly reload. In the drop down labeled “Trámites cuerpo Nacional de Policía” select “Policia – Autorización de Regreso“. Click “Aceptar“
In April 2021 the government added the option to choose an office already on the first page. However, it is not mandatory and you can leave it blank. If you know which office you’d like to go to, you can select it at this stage. Just keep in mind this might limit your options depending on availability for your specific “appointment type” at that one office.
- The page will refresh and you’ll see several important notes on the page. Including a link to find how to apply for the Regreso in other regions. More importantly the page also provides a list of what you need to bring to the appointment. But don’t worry, we’ve translated that list for you in our chapter called “What Documents do you Need to Submit at your Regreso Appointment“. Click “Entrar” to continue.
- Here you need to fill in your personal details. Please ensure the information is entered exactly how it is shown on your document. Click “Aceptar” to continue.
- The page will reload and give you 4 buttons. Click “solicitar cita”.
- On the next page you will have a drop down to select what offices to have your appointment. The most popular office in Madrid is located at Ave. de los Poblados. However, we recommend just choosing whatever offices are available appointments can be very hard to find. Once chosen, click “siguiente”.
- The next screen you will be asked for your contact info. Please choose a relevant Spanish phone number that you have on hand as they will be sending an important code that you will need to enter to continue. Once done, click “siguiente”.
- If there are appointment slots available, you will be given some options for the next appointment “period”, which is usually a few days out. Select your preferred date and time. The page will automatically reload. In case there are no appointments available, the page will tell you “En este momento no hay citas disponibles. En breve, la oficina pondrá a su disposición nuevas citas”. You will need to try again later. If you need your regreso urgently, you can contact MTS. They will help you to get the cita previa as quick as possible.
- Review your personal data and the details of the appointment to make sure all is correct. A security code will be sent to the phone number you indicated earlier – type the number in the box named “Código“. Also make sure to select both checkboxes before clicking “confirmar”.
- Once your appointment is confirmed, you will see your appointment code at the top of the page. Although you will receive this confirmation via email, we recommend saving and printing this page too.
2.2 Download the EX-13 (Regreso Spain Application Form)
To apply for the Autorización de Regreso in Madrid you need to complete the EX-13 application form. Please feel free to download it below to use for your appointment.
2.3 How to Fill out and Pay the Tax Form 790 (Code 012) for the Regreso Spain
Another step you need to complete before going to your Regreso appointment is to pay the corresponding tax fee of 10,72 Euros (February 2025). Follow the steps below to generate the form and then take the form to any bank to pay the fee. Once done you’ll receive a receipt to bring to your appointment.
- Open the tax “Tasa modelo 790 Código 012” document here
- Complete section “Identificación” of the form with your personal details
- Scroll to section “Autoliquidación” and make sure “principal” is selected
- Scroll to section “Documentos de identidad y títulos y documentos de viaje a extranjeros indocumentados y otros documentos” and select the button labelled “Autorización de Regreso”
- Scroll to section “Declarante“ and write the name of the city you are applying in (in our case: Madrid) and the day’s date
- Continue to section “Ingreso“ and select “efectivo” (cash) as payment method
- Fill in the CAPCHA code and click “descargar impreso rellenado” to generate your tax forms
The page will reload and display the Tasa Modelo 790 Cogido 012 forms in a PDF format. You need to print out all of the pages and bring them to the nearest bank to pay the tax. The bank will stamp all three forms and keep one for their own records. You will need to bring the two remaining pages to your appointment.
2.4 What Documents do you Need to Submit at your Regreso Appointment?
- Proof of appointment (printed page with cita previa confirmation code)
- Completed EX-13 form, printed and signed (original and copy)
- Passport (original and copies of all pages)
- Tasa Modelo 790 código 012 printed, paid and stamped by the bank
- Expired TIE/Visa or a TIE/Visa that will be expired within a 60 day period (original and copy)*
- Proof that you have already submitted your renewal application (stamped renewal form in original and copy)
- Printed travel itinerary to prove that you are travelling within the next 90 days (flight tickets/reservation with dates)
*Usually Regresos are only for those who are renewing their TIE and need to go home in the meantime. However, since late 2020 the Spanish government has opened applications for first time TIE applicants as well. So if you have submitted your TIE application and the Visa in your passport is expired you are now eligible for a Regreso. In this case you need to bring:
- Instead of an expired TIE you bring your Visa which is anyway in your passport
- Instead of proving that you’ve applied for the renewal you bring proof of your initial application (stamped application form in original and copy)
2.5 Attending your Regreso Appointment – What to Expect
If you’ve read our other guides before then you will know that the most important thing is to arrive to your appointment early and well prepared. There will not be many agents at the office who can speak English, so you may not be able to negotiate your way through your application if something is missing. They will review your paperwork and if everything is ok they will print your Autorización de Regreso and give it to you on site.
From the day you get the Regreso the 90 day countdown will begin.
If you are looking for assistance on the day of your appointment we recommend contacting MTS Relocation & Consulting Services. They offer a support service for NIE & TIE appointments and can help you also on the day of your appointment.
3. Fill Out our Free Immigration Support Form for More Advice!
Feeling overwhelmed and still have some questions or would like an expert to support? Fill our our Immigration Support Form below and we will do our best to guide you in the right direction. Depending on your question we might send you some helpful resources, or connect you with experienced professionals who can give you a free consultation. Take advantage of the form and submit any questions you might have! The first email consultation is free of charge!
Please note: By sending the form below, you automatically agree that we can forward your data to “MTS – Relocation & Consulting Services for Spain” as well as “Proyecto Océano” so that they may review your case and provide you with further advice if needed!
174 Comments. Leave new
Hello, my Visa for Spain has been approved and my TIE Fingerprints appointment is mid-September, I also have a Regreso appointment mid-September. I have a British passport.
I am long out of Schengen days since 21st July, but have a trip planned to Munich in Germany late-September for 9 days. The flight I have booked connects via Italy.
Is there any risk involved if I travel within Schengen with my Regreso and Fingerprints done, but not with my TIE yet? Or shall I stay in Spain to avoid any risk until I have my TIE? I have read that the Regreso is not valid for travel within Schengen.
My Nie is going to expire and I’ve applied for extension. I’ve an upcoming trip back home (Singapore) for more than 90 days and I don’t think I’ll be able to receive the new nie in time for the trip. I just realized the re entry permit only last for 90days. Is there another other options for me to come back?
Hello! I’m planning to come back to Spain one last time to defend my thesis. My TIE card will be valid when I enter, but will expire after I enter Spain. After defending my thesis I plan to stay for a week in Spain, and after that leave Spain to return back to my country. I do not plan to return to Spain, and hence, do not need to apply for the renewal of TIE. Is it ok if my TIE expires when I am in Spain, and I leave the country with an expired TIE?
My child is born here, I already have a positive resolution with NIE number and appointment for TIE card.
can I apply for regreso?
do I get the regreso on the spot in Malaga also?
do I need to provide a return ticket also?
Hey there Kevin!
Please fill out the our Legal Support Form and we will forward your case to an expert immigration lawyer who can give you some insight!
Firstly it’s a very informative blog and I got answers to many of my doubts. I was language assistant in Valladolid, Castilla Y Leon and I’m shifting to Caceres, Extremadura for the next session, so I assume that I need to send Ex-00 that is “solicitud de prorroga de estancia” to Extremadura. Am I correct?
Also, can we have layover at Heathrow, London if we have “autorizacion de regreso” and transit visa for UK?
Hey there Anisha!
Please fill out the our Legal Support Form and we will forward your case to an expert immigration lawyer who can give you some insight!
Hi there, I am an Irish (EU) citizen and my wife is a US citizen. We have lived in Spain for 2 years. She had a visa through her work but no longer is working and her NIE is caducado. So technically she is not in good standing. However, we got married in Gibraltar in March 2021 and we are in the process of getting her the Spanish Resedencia based on being spouse of a EU citizen. The paperwork has been subitted thorugh a lawyer and we are waiting to hear back.
We are travelling to Germany in a few weeks to visit family. My question is, will she have a problem returning to Spain as we don’t yet have her residencey approved? Our lawyer said it should be ok as its the Schengen area and there wont be immigration checkpoints. If we bring our marriage cert and a copy of the proof that the paperwork is in process, would she be ok?
Thank you!
I am waiting on my TIE card and I’ve been checking the status on the site, but it keeps saying that there is no record. I’ve been in Spain since January and my NIE is already expired. I am trying to visit friends in Europe but I don’t know how to go about it since I don’t have my physical card in hand. What is the best way to go about it?
My visa is in tramite and will expire in February, but I have decided to cut my time in Spain short and return to the US due to a death in the family. My question is if I need a regreso document if I were to come back just to the EU (not to Spain, but Italy) before February. I am trying desperately to get an appointment just in case, but there are none at all. What is MTS? Thank you!
Hi there Ashley. The Regreso is a Spanish legal document that cannot be used for anything but re-entering Spain. If you come back to the EU with your valid visa you won’t have an issue but if you try to come back without it you might have issues. It depends on more details about your situation that I’m not entirely clear on. Feel free to fill out our Request Form on the bottom of this page with as much information that you can include and we can give you some more information!
Hello everyone, i am non EU-citizen i have a non-direct flight to my country ( barcelona -paris- tunisia ) with an authorization of regreso is it normal or would i face some issues? Thank you
Hi there Zouari! Well, as connecting flights are very common you shouldn’t have a problem, however make sure you have as many documents as possible to prove to them that you are only connecting through Paris and not stopping in Paris for tourist purposes. Have your regreso, your renewal application papers, all your plane tickets etc. And with this you should be fine!
Thank you for your responding
Unfortunately i went to paris and i came back to Barcelona because i lost my flight for other issues .. my authorization of regreso end 31th March 2021 .. i got an other appointment on 15th march 2021 is it normal to get another regreso while the first one still valid?
Hi Zouari! I hope you were able to get your other regreso.
Was the reason you lost your flight due to the regreso?
I am from India and currently staying in Barcelona. My NIE is under renewal process and I have Authorizacion de Regreso. As there are no direct flights from India to Barcelona, my return flight is connecting one Delhi- Frankfurt-Barcelona as it is just a layover in Frankfurt. Will there be any issues in Delhi Airport for issuing boarding pass or with immigration in India regarding Regreso as return is a connecting flight having layover at Frankfurt as regreso permits return to spain only. Also will there be any issue in Frankfurt Airport as I have regreso which is for entry only in spain. Can I board my connecting flight from there ?
Hi there Mansi, you should not have any problems as long as you make sure you have all your paperwork with you. Have printed tickets for both your flights from Delhi -> Frankfurt and Frankfurt -> Barcelona. Also i recommend having your proof of renewal (the stamped paper they gave you after your appointment) and your Padron etc. As long as you can prove that you are only in Germany to connect to Spain it should be fine.
hey mansi ,
its a bit late now but just wanted to share my experience because my situation was same . I had my flight yesterday on LH .I had my regreso my status renewal of favorable, ticket etc. They didn’t allow me to travel to spain (Madrid) as according to regreso i cant travel through schenegen zones ,meaning i can only travel through gulf countries or by France and Portugal as they share boundary with Spain.
hope its useful for everybody !!!
Hi Sneha,
Did they turn you away? What happened? Did you have to return to your country of origin?
Hi, I am a non-EU national. My NIE card was expired on Sep 1 2020, but my work permit has been approved for another 2 years until September 2022.
I haven’t been able to renew my NIE card due to lack of appointments provided in Madrid.
I will be moving to the US by the end of December 2020 and not coming back to Spain, but there is no direct flight from Madrid to Seattle. Only way is to flight through Amsterdam.
Madrid -> Amsterdam -> Seattle.
My question is that am I allowed to flight to Amsterdam with my expired NIE card? I do have a valid passport of my country and US visa.
Thank you!
Hi Omer. Unfortunately you should not leave Spain with an expired NIE card. It’s important that you get an appointment for the renewal and then you would need to apply for a regreso which will authorize your return to Spain. Considering there is not that much time until the end of December, you might want to consider staying in Spain for the holidays. They are being very strict now with the regreso documents.
Thank you so much for your response! But, I won’t be coming back to Spain, moving to the US permanently. Do I still need to have a regreso to transfer to another flight in Amsterdam?
Hey again Omer, I think I was a bit confused with your last comment because you mentioned that you were trying to renew your TIE. But if you’re simply leaving Spain for good and not coming back then you don’t need a NIE or anything. Leaving is never the problem – it’s coming back.
I have work visa in spain. My NIE card is still in process, i want to travel to canada, do i need some permission from any office in spain?
You will not be able to return to Spain if the visa in your passport is expired and you are not holding a valid TIE card. Also, technically you can only apply for an Autorizacion de Regreso when you are renewing your TIE, not when you are getting it for the first time. But you can try to apply for the regreso anyway and see what happens!
Sorry, I also have a question. My nie is renewed. They gave me estancia until october 2021. My TIE (the physical card) is getting renewed. Can I go to Germany with the paper saying “my NIE is renewed and i have Residency in Spain until oct 2021”?
Hi Matt! Unfortunately you need to physical card stating that you have estancia until Oct 2021. In your case you will need to get a regreso because the temporary paper that they give you is not accepted as proof.
Hola, can you please help me clarify this I’am not an EU citizen, my tourist visa has expired but I have a valid NIE, can I travel within Schengen with my NIE and passport? Also can I leave EU in future to visit my home country (India) with just my NIE and passport or do I need additional document to re enter? Thank you
Hi there,
Do you mean your TIE? If you are not an EU citizen then you should have the plastic TIE card with your photo on it. On that card should be the dates of your actual visa. If you are only referring to the NIE number inside your passport and your visa is already expired then in theory you are now with an illegal status in Spain and you need to visit your consulate to ask them how to proceed.
Hi Leah, Thank you for your reply. Sorry yes I meant TIE. I just got to know that Non EU resident card are called TIE. So yes I do have a valid TIE
Ok, thats great! Thanks for clarifying. If you have a valid TIE and a valid passport then you can travel in and out of Spain as you like. Do you know if you have a single entry visa or a multiple entry visa?
Multiple entry
Hello, I am not a EU Citizen. My NIE has expired and I already applied for a renewal. I’m going to get the regreso and go back home.
However when coming back there are no direct flights, so I’ll have to come back through Paris. Would they allow me to go to Paris first with the regreso?
Thank you
Hi there Nadia! As an EU citizen you do not need a regreso to travel back and forth from France to Spain. You have the right of free movement.
Hello. I am a non-EU citizen. I have applied for a Tarjeta comunitario and my previous student nie has already expired. I have a pareja de hecho with my partner who is a Luxembourg citizen. If we want to relocate to Luxembourg before I get my tarjeta comunitario, can I enter Luxembourg with authorization de regreso? Do other European countries actually acknowledge this document as the one that gives you right to stay in their country up to 90 days?
Hey polina!
The regeso document has no connection with any other European countries. The regreso also has no impact on your legal status here, it is simply a document that allows people to return (regresar) to Spain while their Spanish documents are processing. The Regreso is not meant to be used as a pass to travel through Europe – you are only meant to travel to your home country and back on important business.
Excelente blog, me ha sido de mucha ayuda. Muchas gracias!!
I have a query regarding Regimen Comunitario tarjeta which was expired at 24 April 2019. I was at Madrid, Spain and left Spain during the year 2017. It’s something like pareja de hecho. And we separated few years back.i guess to renew my partner is needed. But unfortunately I don’t have any contact with her. Is it possible to renew the card after long time. Or can I change my card to arraigo. what can be done to go back there any options to go back spain. thanks.
Hi there. You would definitely need your partner to renew. If you don’t have the same partner then it would not be a renewal, it would be a re application. Additionally if your tarjeta has already expired a year ago then you are not eligible for a renewal even if you had the same partner. Regardless, you will need to start from the beginning of whatever document you would like to apply for. Be it a student visa, working visa, tarjeta communitaria, autonomo, etc.
Hello all! I hope you respond my message. It is very urgent!!! My Nie is expired on 22th january. Today is march 4th and i want to leave spain and do not want to come back. Is it possible to leave spain in this situation?
Hi, my student visa expired and have applied for renewal. In the mean time I travelled to India without applying for authorisation for reentry. But now I have got my renewal processed successfully. Should I have authorisation for renewal for re entry into spai, or the authorisation for renewal is enough? Please help.
I am a non eu citizen. I have my authorization de regresso. The article talks about traveling in Europe but what about outside Europe? Can I come back through any European port and make it back to barcelona? Example, my return flight has a stop in Paris. Will customs in Paris recognize the Authorization Regresso?
Hi Denis, technically you are only allowed to travel to your home country and right back to Spain with the regreso. If you are taking a connecting flight you may need to prove this at the border. Additionally you cannot, for example take 3 days in Paris and then go to Spain. It has to be a concise journey directly back to Spain
So, I went today to apply for the autorizacion de regresso in Granada. I just finished pareja de hecho, and have applied to change my student TIE to a Tarjeta Comunitaria. I’m planning on going to Dublin for Christmas, but I was told that I couldn’t apply for Regreso if I wasn’t going to my own country. Is this true? If that’s the case, what can I do?
No that is not true. I’ve left Barcelona to fly within Europe, to the US, to the UK and to my home country of Australia.
Be careful with this kind of situation especially with the recent law changes. One person’s experience is not the defining rule. In fact, the laws of the Regreso have gotten even more strict since 2019 and they are even printing “Not for use to travel around Europe”. The law is stated as such and its true that one law officer at an airport may be more flexible but that doesn’t mean every experience will be that way. Again, I appreciate your support but please always ensure to have the most current info before giving people advice especially on an official forum like this :).
I am in need of urgent help as my flight to the Philippines is next week. I am currently awaiting the renewal of my residency and my TIE is already expired. There are no appointments available until January of next year. I have tried going to the police station and explaning my situation but they say that they cannot help me unless I have an appointment.
Would it be possible to re-enter spain with a tourist visa, and if so, would this impact the renewal of residency?
Thank you for your help!
Hi Ines,
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do in this situation – legally. If you leave Spain you will need to stay out of Spain for at least 3 months to “reset” your status and enter as a student. But by then of course you will miss your TIE appointment and your re-application will no longer apply. It is true that you will need an appointment for a Regreso in order to apply, they stopped accepting walk-ins because so many would wait until the last moment to apply for their permission.
Sorry I could not be more helpful!
I know this probably is too late to help the original poster but for anyone else reading… Without an appointment, only on the work day immediately prior to your leaving the country you go to the police with all the documents necessary for the regresso INCLUDING your plane tickets and line up without an appointment. Lots of people will be there for when it opens at 9am so you need to get there AT LEAST by 7am to have a chance of getting in. Plan to spend half the day waiting. I have done this many times in Barcelona while waiting for my renewal to be processed/new card.
Hi there Kate. For Madrid, this is actually no longer true and remember that this is a Madrid focused website. The authorities have changed the laws and now forbid any sort of walk in appointments for the regreso. I go to the office quite often and it has been like this for the last year now. I appreciate your effort to help but please ensure you have the most up to date info 🙂
i can not find appiontment in my city to renew my tie card can i choose different city
Hi George. You will need to have your NIE registered in the city that you live in!
I’ve lost my expired NIE card. Can I still get a regreso? Do I need to do something else first? I am traveling Dec 16 so I just have one month to figure it out !!
Can I get Authorisation de regresso 2 days before NIE expiratio.
Thank you!
You can only apply for the regreso if you have already requested to renew your NIE/TIE. You will need to present a paper proving you’ve requested the renewal.So it doesn’t matter if your NIE is expired really, as you have 60 days before and 90 after expiration to apply for renewal.
Hello All,
My NIE expires on 13th of December. And I have ticket booked from 11th of December to 7th of January. In this case I need Authorisation de regresso before 11th of December only for return back. Is it possible to get it before 11th of December?
Hi, I am a non-EU national. My work permit expires on 03-Dec-2019. Can I travel outside Spain on 01-De-2019 after getting working permit extended but not without a renewed fingerprint card? Is there any document needed to come back in this case?
I am a non-EU national. My Spain Work permit expires on 03-Dec-2019. If work permit extension is approved can I travel outside Spain without renewed residence card? And is there any document needed to come back to Spain after 90 days other than stamped paper ? Thanks in advance!
Hello! I want to travel to the UK and my NIE is being renewed, what kind of documents should I supply to the embassy as proof that I am a legal resident and my NIE is being renewed?
Much thanks!
Hello, I want to do the same. Can you please help me out and tell me how it worked out for you?
Hi Tala and Sarah! For this you will need to apply for an Autorizacion de Regreso. It’s essentially a document that you show the Spanish authorities when returning to Spain, that tells them that you’re papers are renewing. Here is an article on how to apply for your Regreso:
Hi, I have lost my regreso but I have the scan, can I use it to enter the spain?
I’ll appreciate any help.
You cannot travel within the EU on a regreso. It isn’t allowed.
Hi All,
I’m moving to Spain on a spouse visa. I’ve got the entry visa which is valid for 90 days and allows multiple entries. As per the defined procedure, I have to reach there in Spain within these 90 days and apply for TIE/NIE during the first month. Somehow there’s still a lot of personal work pending in the current country of residence which can take a couple of more months (2 months for resign period from the job). My question is, after applying the TIE/NIE Can I exit from Spain while the applications are in process, finish the pending stuff here in the current country and go back once the card is issued.
Is this possible, During your first application process exit the country and come back again within the validity of entry visa?
Please suggest a solution for this issue.
Many thanks.
I am married to a spanish national and have the residencia familiar. I have lost my nie recently and haven´t yet got the appointment for the finger prints for my duplicate nie. i had the appointment today for the regresso and at the police station the officer said that he cant give me the regresso today and i need to takle the fingerprints appointment and then do the regresso. i am a bit confused at to why he rejected the regresso. so my question is it possible to get the regresso without the application for duplicate nie being in process? Thanks in Advance.
My NIE is expired, but I have the Regresso. I wish to travel to Bayonne(France) by bus from San Sebastien and come back by bus to San Seb. Can the Spanish authorities accept Regersso document at the border check while back to Spain from France at the Border? Or is the Regresso valid only for Air Travel?
Hi all,
I have an expire NIE but im currently in the process of renewing it. I know I need a autorizacion de regreso but there is no available appointments, went to the police station but they didnt want to help me and im leaving spain in a few weeks. Would i be able to enter the spain with out the autorizacion de regreso letter. What should i do in this case
Dear All,
I need your valuable suggestion!
I am currently living in Spain. During this summer, I would like spend my vacation in Canada.
I have the following conditions:
* My NIE card will expire on 30th July 2019. Unfortunately, I could not go for the NIE appointment before 30th July. So, before the tour I will not be able to get the new NIE card.
* My D type multiple entry visa will expire on 10th October 2019.
Should I need the Autorización de Regreso to come back in Spain?
Thanks in advance and eagerly waiting to hear from you.
Hey Leah! My friend and I are going to Croatia for a month, he was able to get a regresso, since he is in the renewal process. We are flying there from Spain and plan to take the papers you suggested. Is there anything else we should know? Should we expect any problems at the airport? Thanks for any info or suggestions you have. 🙂
Do the police station in Aluche accept urgent on the spot appointment? I could not get any appointment dates before my date of flight.
They stopped allowing walk-ins about a year ago. This is the official answer. But you can always try!
Hey Leah, thanks for all your help, I have an ADR but my flight goes through Amsterdam then Barcelona, would I have a problem entering? by “walk-ins” you mean that?
Hi, my wife is spanish citizen and my identity card is regimen comunitario, can i work to other eu country without getting working visa?
Hi, hoping someone can help with an advice. My mom obtained an Autorizacion de Regreso to travel from Spain to Canada (she’s not a EU citizen, nor she is a Canadian citizen). Her flight from Madrid to Toronto had a layover in Frankfurt. When she exited the plane in Frankfurt and went through the passport control, the officer said that she violated border laws. She was then taken to a police office in the airport where a protocol was put together laying out charges against her.
Her flight back has a layover in Brussels, so we’re concerned that she would have problems there or even refused to check in to her flight.
Has anyone had any experience dealing with a similar situation? Any tips?
My visa and NIE expired and I applied for de Regreso,
I’m planning to travel to Brussels from Madrid, will the Airlines will allow me to get in the airplan with expired documents
Hi,I have a Spanish residency which expired a month ago and I have just been given a one month visa to the uk to get my brp But because I have to send my documents to delegación del gobierno and wait for them to send me a letter before I can go for toma de huellas and I have my flight booked and I don’t mind not coming back because it’s leave to remain, so my question is ¿can I live spain with my resident card that has expired,visa and passport to the uk?Thank you
Hi, My name is Joel from MD city, USA and i just want to share my experience with everyone.I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any attention or interest to it because of my doubts,Until one day i discovered a hacking called Mr Lawrence and she work with a hacking group call Cyber-link ATM Programmer.she is really good at what she is doing.Back to the point,I inquired about the Blank ATM Card.If it works or even exist.They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind.This was shocking and i still had my doubts.Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions.praying and hoping it was not a scam, i got the card within 2 working days after making inquiring to get the card,i used the BLANK ATM CARD and it was successful,i withdraw nor less than 5,000 dollar each and every day,the BLANK ATM CARD worked like a magic and now i am living very comfortable and can afford anything i want to buy now,if you want to order for the BLANK ATM CARD here on WhatsApp via+2348119898252.
My question is do I need Regreso to tarvel inside Spain??? Unfortunately my NIE will be expire by the end of this month (January), and I already booked a flight to Canari iland for February. After my travel I am going to leave Spain and don’t want to renew my NIE.
Hi! I hope you can help me! My NIE is in renewal process and I have my regreso, I am currently in Turkey and my regreso says i am allowed to go back to spain until the 10th of January 2019.
The question is, can I enter Hungary (or any other EU country) first-flying directly from Turkey to Hungary with my regreso?
Or the regreso only allows you to return to Spain from a non-EU country like Turkey?
My plan is going to Hungary from Turkey with my regreso then from Hungary to Spain. Would that be ok?
Thank you so much!
Hi all,
Need your inputs. Can a resident of Spain apply for a regreso in any office in Spain? For example, I am a NIE resident living in Barcelona. Can I apply for a regreso at the Madrid office? Any experiences please?
Hi , I just wanna ask, I’m on arraigo my papers is already Favorable. My huellas is on february 1 and I booked a ticket going to Philippines for 2 months on Feb 3, but my tarjeta is not on my hand yet, Planning to get a regreso using for my travel and to get back spain do you think i can have a problem? Do you think there will be a problem if i will not get yet my tarjeta for a month before the release after my huellas because on that time i will be in the Philippines. thank you
Just want to say thank youu!! People like you make others life so much easier! I really appreciate all your help!
My NIE is going to be expired on 26/12/2018. i have already applied the renewal in advance i mean on 6th on november in Pamplona Navarra. Now i want to see my mom and i want to fly before Christmas i mean near 20th dec. so ok if i go and ask for a regresso. so its validation time will start from the day i get it or from the day my NIE expires.? another query will they ask for a confirmed ticket? somebody told me that they might ask for the return ticket? please clarify a bit
hello to all ,
I need a very very urgent advice.
I had apply for working visa for spain, my athurasion has been approved, but I did not get my docs around one month, after one month when I have papers, consulate don’t agree to give visa, and they said ask Madrid to give new date, Madrid said they never make new date, that paper is ok.
Please advice how I can do?
I have tourist visa for spain, is it possible to go spain on this visa and apply in police for resident card?
Hi Leahwarner,
I have a question for you please.
My question is i came to Africa for a visit with a regresso but it got expired before , can I return to Spain or land in the schengen area before coming down to Spain?
Thank you
My student visa expires Sept 14 (it says sept 14 on my NIE but on the actual visa it says sept 2 I don’t know why). I am in the process of getting a pareja de hecho with my partner which allows me to live in Spain for five years. We already have that finished paperwork from the Spanish notary but my appointment to update my NIE status with immigration is not until November 15- I could not get it sooner. I am wondering if I should remain in Spain until that November appointment or if I should leave the Schengen Area and go to the U.K. on September 14th and return a few days later on a schengen tourist visa. Basically I don’t know if staying past September 14th will affect my pareja de hecho unfavorably and I will be denied long term status for staying here illegally past my student visa. Please advise this article is so helpful!
Does this regreso document enable me to do other kind of official operations like buying a car during the NIE renewal process, during which I do not have a valid NIE card? Thank you
Hi there Halil, The regreso is only for “returning” to Spain if you need to travel outside while your NIE is renewing. You will need to wait until your new one arrives.
hey guys
i hope you are all well
ive got an important question
so i need to get an autorizacion de regesso
and for my nie renewal process i sent everything through the oficina de extranjeria via post office. the documents have been received that side.
i haven’t gotten the documents back
and i need the paper with the stamp
what do i do?
can i use the receipt of correos for my autorizacion de regresso appointment
together with the other forms (for the autoriazcion specifically)
or do i really need that stamped paper
because i spoke to a friend and he got his autoriacion just showing the receipt of correos…
advice guys please ?
Hi I have gone through hlthe same experience please let me know if you just needed the post office stamp for the authorization de regresso. Thanks so much
N.I.E for PhD student
i am a PhD student , my Visa is 3 month. and my invitation letter is between 10 may to 10 November. i came to Spain in 9 July. the embassy give me Visa with delay. i gone to police office for N.I.E but they told me you cant have N.I.E because your invitation letter will be expired in November, what can i do, if i receipt a new invitation letter is it possible they give me N.I.E??
and if i go to other city for N.I.E they can help me?? because the city which i gone to their is very small.
please help me
Hello! I am in my TIE (student residency) renewal process and I need to travel out of the Schengen zone to Ukraine. With my Ukrainian passport I can enter any Schengen zone country without any VISA but only for traveling purposes. My question is: is it necessary to get regreso in my case to be able to return to Spain?
P.S. my TIE is a long term student residency, and my passport enables me to enter the Schengen countries without VISA only for traveling purposes; however by the time I come back to Spain, my TIE will have been ready (the only thing is I will have to pick it up, but for that I will have to be allowed to cross the Spanish border when I return to Spain).
I would really appreciate any help or advice on my situation!!
Thanks for all the help. Quick question: What is the Renewal Receipt? And what does it look like?
Do you need an urgent blank ATM CARD to solve your financial needs, My name is Linda Oscar, and i just want to tell the world my experience with everyone. i discovered a hacking guy called Christopher. he is really good at what he is doing, i inquired about the BLANK ATM CARD. if it works or even Exist, than i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. three days later i received my card and tried it with the closest ATM machine close to me, to my greatest surprise it worked like magic. i was able to withdraw up to 6000 euro. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software. it impossible for the CCTV to detect you i don’t know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. Christopher have really change my life. if you want to contact them, HERE is the email address: ([email protected]) His website( Whatsapp number +2348051122286
Hi. Please help. Or any advice would be amazing. I am British and have been in Madrid living since December 17. I need to return to the U.K. for 3 days tomorrow 18/4/17. And I have been really silly as I haven’t sorted my NIe although I’m not working. I’m terrified I maybe declined re entry to Spain on my return. Any help or tips would be great thanks.
Do you need an urgent blank ATM CARD to solve your financial needs, My name is Linda Oscar, and i just want to tell the world my experience with everyone. i discovered a hacking guy called Christopher. he is really good at what he is doing, i inquired about the BLANK ATM CARD. if it works or even Exist, than i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. three days later i received my card and tried it with the closest ATM machine close to me, to my greatest surprise it worked like magic. i was able to withdraw up to 6000 euro. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software. it impossible for the CCTV to detect you i don’t know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. Christopher have really change my life. if you want to contact them, HERE is the email address: ([email protected]) His website( number +2348051122286
Thank you so much for all your help on this board. My situation – Residency card expires in July, I have two trips booked, one for late july (post expiry date) to France and then one to Canada for most of August. As the new card isnt issued until a month after my old one expires (as I understand) I probably wont have it for either trip. I assume I should get the autorizacion de regreso (BTW – I hear I need a good reason to get one, are pre-booked holidays usually accepted as rationale?) before the France trip, hope it’s not stamped on that trip, and use it for the Canada trip if not, and if so, get another. Does that make sense?
Hello im a pilipina…I just want to ask I have a 2 years temporary residence visa…I want to.go home to Philippines…can I ask how many months do I allowed to stay there with a 2 years temporary residence permit? Thank you for your answer..
Hi Good day! Im living here and working but Im from Philippines.I have a few question regarding my NIE card Im planning for a vacation in the Philippines on April 20 2018until May 27 2018then my problem is my NIE CARD will be EXPIRED on JUNE 5 2018?What do i need to do?Do i need to renew this March or April?Any documets that i need to show in the immigration just incase they will hold me ?Or they dont allowed me to come bck to madrid?Do u think they will give me Regreso ?Pls let me know .Thank you!
Hi, I have a question –
I am from India and currently living in Belgium. I will be moving to Spain with proper Spain visa in this February for long term.
I need to travel to India for family reason in end of February from Spain for 2-3 weeks and so I am expecting that during this time my NIE or TIE would not be ready. Can I ask for Regresso and use it for reentry to Spain from India?
Hi! Quick questin. My papers are currently in renewal, i got an autorizacion de regreso for my xmas holidays abd now im back in spain, the paper didnt get stamped or anything. And i have a trip to andorra, could i use the same one? It says that it allows me to travel up until march 2018
Hey Lina!
If it’s not stamped then you can use it again!
I have a related question, I have a current Australian passport and valid NIE to reside in Spain. I am applying for another visa to the UK so have to give in my passport while my application is underway. Am I able to travel to Paris from Madrid just using my NIE? Or should I not risk it?
Hey Eman!
In theory yes, as it’s a residency card for a country in the European Union and it has your photo and details on it. However, Other countries also have the right to ask to see your passport as well as your passport is an internationally recognised document but your TIE is technically a Spanish document.So you have to be careful.
I personally have had no issues with just showing my TIE when travelling abroad within Europe!
Hi Leah – Happy New Year – I am Dev from India, have been working in Madrid since last 2 years, Hope you can answer below concern.
My kid born here in Madrid in September 2017, he has AUTORIZACIÓN DE RESIDENCIA on december 22nd and the NIE number but he is not getting the Card as my Residence permit will be expired in June 19th (validity is less than 6 months), we need to travel to India in the last week of this month, Can we get autorizacion de regreso?
Appreciate your quick help on this.
Thank you,
My renewal application for TIE/NIE card is still in process at Barcelona for around 2 months which expired on this 15th Dec. and the application was filed on 31st October. I am planning to go out of spain to India from 26th Jan 2018 until 1st March. My question is, if i get the regresso, is there any challenge when i am not here in Barcelona for 1 month and still i can come back showing the regresso? What if i get the favorable situation after i leave Spain and in holidays and is there any timeline to finish the fingerprint at extranjera office? Also, if the application request is paused asking for more documents or denied, still i can come back after my holidays with regresso and then re process?
I need some advice ASAP.
yesterday, my NIE got stolen.
This weekend I’m traveling to Germany and Switzerland.
flights and hotels are already booked.
I think I need some documentations other than my Japanese passport.
I already went to the police and file the case.
but now I am confused.
Should I apply to the new NIE first? or the regreso?
I study in Barcelona.
Hope to get some ideas.
Thank you!
Hi! My question is, I have not applied for renewal yet, how can I go back to the United States for the winter holidays and apply when I get back to Spain?
If your Visa is expired already /will expire while you are back in the States then you will not be granted entry into Spain under the same visa. You will have to apply for another one from home to re-enter or you will enter as a tourist which can not be upgraded or modified from within Spain. I highly suggest trying your best to apply for a renewal ASAP.
Thank you @leahwarner !!!
Can I add a question on top of this one? I’m American and live in Spain on a Student Visa. I applied for my TIE near the end of October, and it wasn’t done processing until mid December. Due to my class schedule, the Extranjería is always closed when I get home. I flew back home to America for the holidays without the TIE in hand. I depart for Spain on January 13th, but with the time zones, I don’t arrive until January 14th. My Student Visa expires on January 13th. I have my TIE application that’s stamped and shows it’s being processed, my housing contract, my Spanish bank documentation, my documentation from my school…everything but a Regreso. Would I be able to enter Spain again with all of the other information, if I explain that I literally just have to go pick up my card? Are there any other alternatives?
Hello again 🙂
I’m not a EU citizen so I don’t have a visa or an EU passport. Only my Spanish TIE (that is currently expired). So the question is, can I travel to a EU country with my expired TIE and the regreso?
Because I will have to go through customs upon arrival to any country and I’m afraid that they might not let me in because my card is expired and regreso is a Spanish document that nobody outside Spain recognizes.
Thank you!
Hello! I’m studying in Barcelona and my NIE is currently in the renewal process. I want to travel to Austria for a short vacation and come back, but I keep on seeing on the websites that in order to get the Regreso you need to have a serious reason to leave the country. Like death of a relative or a wedding invitation or whatever. What was your experience with this? Did they ask for the reason you want to leave?
Thank you and looking forward to your reply 🙂
Hey Ivan
This is not true. You do not have to establish a serious reason for your travel. As long as you have proof that you are in the process of renewal and have all the papers required for the appointment you will be fine!
Thank you!
Hi, I am from india and already have a NIE but applied for my TIE. The appointment date for it is 10 January 2018 but I plan to travel to London on 25 December 2017 to visit my family. Will that affect my visa application for London or I cannot apply even ? and what documents do I need to provide to get a visa in this situation.
Hi Prince,
Yes you can!
I was not able to secure a TIE appointment until dec28, very late in the year. I have plans to head to Germany dec22-dec27. I have a regreso appointment this Friday 11/17. I have all the necessary documents except the renewal TIE form (since I am applying for the TIE my first time) I plan on providing them with my CITA for my TIE appointment and hope for the best. My VISA expires the 15 of Dec . I have already booked my flight. Please advise
Hi Julian. Im my experience the TIE application form is essential for the Regreso. It would be interesting for me to know what happens! If you wouldn’t mind letting us know how your city goes that would be great!
Hi, it’s very similar to my situation now, would you mind telling me how your appointment for regreso went? Thanks!
Hey, Hi.
How did it go ? I am in the same situation and wanted to know. Can you tell me ?
Hello. I need an urgent help please.
I am non-eu citizen, my wife and I have 3 kids, 2 was born in the Uk and 1 here in Spain. 4 of them British. I have applied for the EU citizen family Temporary Residency card, which as been in process for more then 5 month (EN VIA DE RECURSO). I have to leave Spain urgently to Dubai on the 10th to see my father who is very sick, Flight is booked. My question is, do I need any paper to travel out and will I need any document to return back to Spain? What will happen to my application if I leave ? Kind regards.
Hey Abdul! You’re circumstance is quite advanced! I suggest consulting with a lawyer or with the Spanish authorities about your issue if you want to ensure that you get all the proper info you need!
Hey, thanks for this information. I really needed it. The answer to my question might seem a bit obvious, but I am someone who is extra cautious, especially regarding travel documents.
My NIE to reside in Spain expires on the 2nd of December and is currently being renewed. I am however traveling out of Spain to return on the 28th of November. You think I should apply for it..or will a paper showing I am currently renewing my document suffice?
A paper showing you’re currently renewing your document is not sufficient. Your case the perfect case for the Regreso! I definitely advise you apply for one!
Hello. Urgent question please. I am currently renewing my TIE and I got an autorizacion de regreso to travel outside the EU. My question is can I enter back to Brussels from my trip for a few days before going back to Spain? will the borders in Belgium accept the ADR into brussels? Thank you!
Hi everybody! I have an urgent question.
I am a non-EU student with expired NIE (it expired in May and all this time its been in a «renewing process»). Next week (25-27 Oct) I might need to travel to Amsterdam for 3 days.
! I have Autorización de Regreso valid until 8 of November ! I know that with Regreso I can fly back from The Netherlands to Spain, BUT will I be OK Leaving Spain and entering the Netherlands with only ADR (+my passport and expired NIE)??
Hey Anastasiia!
Technically, other European Union nations don’t have to accept a Spanish document at their own border. However, it’s very rare that they will even ask to see those documents in the first place. That being said I still suggest bringing as much paperwork with you to back you up there typically is no problem. I would bring your passport, your NIE, the EX-18 form you used to reapply (it should have a stamp), and your regreso. With this stuff you should be completely fine!
Are you able to apply for more than 1 regresso at the same time? In December I am travelling out of the EU two separate times and want to know if I can get both regressos at the same appt… thanks!
Hello. I’m non-eu citizen, and i have regreso until October 16. And i have a travel to italy between October 10-16. My first question is can I use the regreso for Italy(because i’m not an EU citizen.)? And it’s expired on 16th so would it be problem if i turn back on the afternoon of 16th? Thank you.
Hello I am currently in the US and because of the Hurricane my flight got cancelled. So my regreso expired on the day I was supposed to leave. What can I do”? The consulate does not have an appointment time available and they wont see you without an appointment.
Hello everybody , I’m facing a prolem which is about my TIE I’ve applied and gave them all the required papers, after a while they replied back telling me that I need 2 more papers so I gave them those 2 missing ones, now I’m waiting for an answer which hopefelly will be FAVORABLE but when I check through the website it says ARCHIVADO, I would like to know if I still can get the regresso by showing them the paper that they gave me as that m papers are actually on process or not, and as my card will exceed the 90 days in few days and I’m planning to travel in these coming weeks.
because when I asked they people I got confused either they say that ou can not travel until you will get a favorable answer and because you card will expire …
thank youj
hello. i want to go to Vietnam while waiting for my NIE to be renewed. theres no flight straight from Spain to Vietnam so i plan to go by Train to Paris and take the flight from Paris to Vietnam with my regreso, is that okay ?
Hello, I´m a Non-Europe citizen and I would like to ask about the Autorizacion de Regreso. I have already applied one and it´s valid until the 31th of August. According to my flight ticket, I will arrive exactly at that day (19:00 on the 31th of August), can I enter Spain?
Thanks a lot…
i have a question
how long does it take to get the autorizacion de regreso, for example, my appointment is on the 17th of august, and i have a flight booked for the 20th(on a sunday ), do i get it on the same day, and i have another question, for the renewal of the NIE, i am freaking out, because i didnt get any ‘sticker’ on my paper, the paper just got STAMPED, with the writing, ‘ entrada 24 de julio, 2017…delegacion blah blah blah’..should i worry? please help, as i am doing everything alone.
Hey Vanessa!
You should receive your regreso right away, so don’t worry there! And yes, with your NIE application form there will be either a stamp or sticker with the date of your appointment proving that you have your papers processing!
Currently I live in Barcelona. Lost my NIE and ask for duplicate. Before that I already booked my vacation to Italy. I requested for A.d.Regresso and now I have it under hand. I am not EU citizen.
My worries can I travel to Italy having only my passport and A.d.Regresso (also photo copy of NIE)? I have asked a lot of gov. places here but some say is not possible some say should be no problem.
No idea what to do. Unfortunately cannot cancel my flight and hotel booking.
Please could you advise me?
Thanks in advance.
Hello, did you find a solution? In how much time did you get the AD regreso?
My partner has just lost her NIE and need to travel outstide Europe next week
Hi, I am an erasmus mundus student. Last year I have studied in Spain and then went to Italy for 6 months. I am back to Spain to finish the study. Right now I have valid Italian residence permit till September 2017, and also have a valid certificate (validity till September 2017) given by Spanish immigration office. I do not get my Residence permit card of Spain till date, but I have to leave for my country (ie. Bangladesh) next month as I am finishing my study. Can I use the Italian permit to leave Spain? Please note: I do not need to back to Spain as I will finish my study.
Waiting for reply.
Hi there!
A NIE is not an international form of identification. You will need to go to your embassy and apply for a temporary passport and a new passport!
Yesterday I gave to the government documents to renew my nie. But I would follow from the internet whether it would be approved. They said it would take 2-3 weeks to see if some document is missed or wrong. It is pending now. I understood, This is not put into renewal. My tie card ends on July 28th. If I take regrosa in 10th of July and go to Turkey, will I have a problem when returning at the end of 2 months? Also Is it necessary to return to Spain if a document is missing when following the web? Or can I come back after two months to solve it? (It is a bit long question, sorry:) and thank you!!
The regreso is valid for 90 days i believe. Which means that you can go home for 2 months and return with the regreso with no problem! Just make sure to carry all the paperwork with you that you are currently in the process of renewing (the regreso, the application form with the stamp from the government, etc!
previously, they used to put stickers, so now its just the STAMP right?
I am currently renewing my NIE in Barcelona and it is taking longer than expected. I am planning to travel in august, a few days after my NIE expires so I will need the permiso de regreso. However, can I still get it even though the aim of the trip is just leisure? or should I have a more serious motive? will they ask for a proof besides the plane ticket? thank you very much
You can apply for the regreso for any reason! Don’t worry. Everything will be fine!
My husband was issued a NIE, residency in process (married to a Spaniard). His Visa has expired, we have a Cita de huellas, but he has to travel home for work. Consulate. Has confirmed they will issue a visa if no Autorización de Regreso is issued. Will he be allowed to leave Madrid in this case?
Hi there Reyes! Thats a very interesting case you have! In the end you have to trust what the consulate says and go from there. You will never have trouble leaving, it’s just the act of returning that could cause issues. If you have a regreso then everything will be fine, and I think if you have a new visa everything will also be fine but I don’t know how that will affect your current TIE application.
I have a Modelo 790 for a regreso I paid for in December when my first TIE was being processed. I ended up not using it, because my TIE was ready when I went to Aluche in Madrid. I still have this Modelo, but it’s 6 months old. Any chance it’s still usable for renewal or I need a new one?
This will depend completely on the person working that day. So you will have to take the risk to find out!
I had nie expired on 02/2017. There was a problem with the first new visa application. I applied for a second visa and now I’m working on it. My nie expiration has passed four months. But I want to travel to south Korea. Can I travel if I get a regreso?
If you’ve already handed in your papers to get renewed and they are currently in the process now, you can apply for a regreso! Just remember that a regreso is only valid for 90 days. So you must return from South Korea before that 90 period is over!
Hello: Is it possible to apply for an Autorizacion de Regresso before I receive my Residency Renewal Approval letter? What exactly is the renewal receipt, mentioned above in the list of documents you need to bring:
Original and copy of your renewal receipt
Do they provide you a receipt when you submit the request for residency that then is proof that my NIE is currently in the process of being renewed?
I will need to submit my Request for renewal soon, but then have a flight back to the U.S. exactly two weeks after that, so the timing is a little tight. If they give me a receipt, then I can use that in those two weeks to apply for the regresso, but if I have to wait for the approval letter, I might not have enough time. Thank you for your response!
On the day of your appointment you will hand in a renewal application form and a copy of that same form. The attendant at the appointment will return one of those papers to you with a stamp and a sticker on it. The sticker will say the date of your renewal appointment and with count as proof that you are currently in the process of renewal. This is the “receipt” you will need when applying for the regreso.
I have a question – what if I’m going to be outside of Spain for more than 90 days? Do I have to get an autorizacion de regreso? Or would I have to get a new VISA then? I’m just wondering if I come back without a new visa after 90 days if I’ll be able to renew my NIE. Thank you!!
Hi Meghan!
So, just to clarify, you are a non-EU right? Because this issue doesn’t really apply to EU citizens, so I just want to make sure.
If you are a non-Eu citizen you can only get a regreso if your NIE/TIE is already in the process of renewal. If you don’t apply for a renewal before you leave for 90 days and your NIE/TIE expires while you’re gone for those 3 months, then you will have to return with a new visa (if you plan to then reapply for your new NIE) or return as a tourist (meaning you won’t be able to apply for a new NIE at all).
If your NIE/TIE is expiring soon, and you plan to renew it and apply for a regreso, then you must return to Spain before the regreso expires.
If you are leaving for 90 days, and your NIE doesn’t expire until after those 90 days, then as long as you return before it DOES expire you can renew after your trip.
What if my NIE expires two weeks after my departure here in madrid, should i still need to apply a regreso? I mean, i was planning to go vacation in asia this May , i leave on the 7th of may and will return on the 28th of the same month, and my NIE expires on April 16th, do i need to renew it before leaving and get the regreso?
I’m living in Barcelona my NIE is in process but i need to go to paris i have an Autorization de regresso but some friends told me that it doesn’t work for travelling between EU country. is it right ?
Hey Abbas!
The Regresso does work! It’s not really a document for “travelling” around to different countries, its more about the entry into Spain at the end of your trip. Basically It allows for 1 re-entry into Spain while your papers are in process. In fact, because you are travelling within the EU they probably won’t even ask for it – however I suggest you bring it, your temporary NIE paper and your passport just to be safe!!!
Happy travels 🙂
Unrelated question (kind of)
I have my NIE already and the expiration date is December 2017. Can I travel outside spain and EU and come back using my NIE+passport? Or should I get an authorization?
Hi Sarah!
If you have a valid passport and a valid NIE card you can travel outside the EU. However, If you only have the NIE number and are still waiting to pick up the actual card you will need a Regresso to return to Spain! This is because technically you are still in the “processing” stage and haven’t been 100% confirmed. So the temporary paper they give you is not enough!
Hello, i am not EU member but i approved NIE. My visa will finish at 8.12.2016 and i want o travel until 8.12.2016. So can i enter spain at 8 of december or i need to regreso too?
Hello Selen!
I’m not sure if I understand. The visa in your passport will expire on the 8th of December, right? But you have your NIE card that approved this autumn? These are two different forms of ID – Student visas usually only last for 3 months, but once you get the NIE, it then extends your visa for the rest of your time of study/work. So, with a valid NIE you can travel. However, if you mean that your NIE expires on the 18th, and you want to travel, you will need a regreso – BUT you can only get a regreso if you have proof that your NIE is currently in the process of being renewed…
I hope this helped!
hey sorry for interrupting ,
i had different case which im married in barcelona and have the family book, ive already applied for nie and its in process and says ¨favorable¨and i still waiting , my problem is i wanna go back to my country and make sure no problem to go back and return to spain later or otherwise ,
help would be much apreciated !!
have good day !
Hey there!
If the status says Favorable then that means that your NIE has been processed and your application has been accepted! Here in Madrid we have to go and pick up our card from the office where we applied, but in Barcelona I am not sure the procedure. However, in the meantime you can apply for a document called the Autorazacion de Regreso – which allows you to travel outside of Spain (one time) while your papers are processing.
Hello! I’m hoping you can help me…
I understand that if the only available regreso appts are for after your departure date you can still go 3 days prior to leaving and they will help you. What if there is an appointment available 4 days before your departure date, so you can go to the appt but you won’t be able to go back to pick it up because it usually takes 10 days to get? Will they expedite it if I show them my itinerary? Please and thank you!
If you bring your flight information and show them how soon you are leaving they will give you the regreso right away!
I’m in Spain on a freelance work visa (Residencia Temporal y Trabajo Cuenta Propia Inicial – 1 Year).
Due to the nature of my visa, I was given 3 months from my arrival to “darme el alta” and then a further month from getting el alta to get my TIE “cita toma de huellas”.
My problem is that, as part of this project I need to travel to London on Jan 10, for which I would need an autorización de regreso. The earliest appointment available when I went to book (on Nov 30) was Jan 13. I had heard from various people that you could go to the Policia Nacional 4-5 days prior to your trip (with all the accompanying documentation, including proof that you had booked an appoinment) and they could give it to you on the spot.
After lining up do to this yesterday (in Madrid) I was told to come back 2 work days (or less) prior to my travel date (effectively Thursday or Friday this week). The problem is that the appointment time I was given for my toma de huella is this Friday at 4pm (by which time it will be too late get the autorización de regreso).
I have the booking sheet/justificante for my TIE appointment but obviously not comprobante de toma de huellas.
Does anyone have any experience in getting an autorización de regreso during the inicial stages of a visa stay like this? (Pretty specific question but you never know!)
Hello, I live in Madrid and have planned a wonderful trip (Copenhagen_Norway_Stockholm_Finnar_Madrid) at the end of this year, when my N.I.E card is under renewal. But I have heard from my friends and the Internet that the regreso cannot be used in other European countries even schgen countries. Someone als warned me tha the regreso is valid in the route like spain to one schengen countr back to spain, in which way I cannot finish my dreamable trip and have to go back at he very beginning though I have got one regreso. For example , I could not get the boarding pass when I want to check in if the regreso cannotcanno be used between Copenhagen and Bergen Ihave gotten totally confused. Looking forward for your reply. Thank you!
Hey Chuan!
The regreso simply tells authorities that your papers are expired, but in process of renewal and that you are legally allowed to return to Spain. Whether you are travelling within the Shengen, to the UK or across the world to North America you are travelling legally because your papers are in process and the regreso is proof of that. I is only meant for one trip and you can only return to Spain once, you can;t travel back and fourth. As long as your travelling within Europe just present your Passport, expired NIE and your regreso paper and no one should have problems with it at all! I travelled through Germany, Austria, Hungary and Croatia this summer with my regreso, but it was one continuous trip.
Remember, this is only information from my personal experience, for official information please contact the respective government offices!
I will go to Belgium in December, but my NIE is renewing,if I fly to Brussels directly, will I have problem?
You shouldn’t have an issue. However, please keep in mind that these situations are often a very circumstantial! Brussels may take your not having a current “status” here seriously or they might not! If you have the time and want to be 100% secure during your travels just go and get the regeso.
I have already obtained an ADR while my NIE is currently under renewal. I have travel to Norway in November. My itinerary is Madrid-Zurich-Norway-Zurich-Madrid. I will only stay in the Zurich airport for a few hours as it is just a stopover en route to Norway. My question is if I will be permitted to enter Norway since I know that the Authorizacion de Regreso is a paper permitting my return to Spain.
Hi Maria, to be on the safe side you should investigate this in detail. Take in any case all your papers with you (NIE, Passport, Regreso Paper). Also check that the paper is still valid till the time you travel back. Schengen countries should be ok with that. Enjoy your travel